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ichaboid city.avif

This is another example of an ET conducted earth mission. The Ichaboids are an ET race who make their home in earth's oceans and work with the cetaceans to prevent the military from weaponizing earth's oceans. If our oceans die, we follow suit very shortly thereafter.


The Ichaboids and cetaceans had discovered several objects littering our ocean floor. While I'm not at liberty to reveal what these objects were, suffice it to say they were military weapons. They reported this find to the Angelics and wanted an Angelic to come see these objects for themselves.


After some discussion, it was decided Jmmanuel's brother, Teedeh would go to the Ichaboid city to look at these weapons for himself. Of course, I was immediately begging to go along but Jmmanuel flat out refused. The Ichaboids had never had any contact with any terrestrial human and didn't want contact with us.

Thank the lord for Teeds! He said "Well now wait a minute. Gracie is an advanced scuba diver and I might need a second pair of hands down there! Why not at least ask the Ichaboids if it would be okay for her to come with me?"

It took a WHOLE LOT of channel clearing but they eventually agreed I could accompany Teeds. With Jmmanuel's warning "You better be on your best behavior down there!"

ich subj.jpg

The ship we traveled to the Ichaboid city in was suited to both air and water. It looked something like the craft at left but was made of an ET material that resembles glass but is unbreakable - even when subjected to the psi of the deep ocean. So it's walls were all clear like glass and this material manufactured its own light. Pretty handy considering the depth we went to was pitch black.

As we were nearing the Ichaboid city, I was stunned to find we were suddenly surrounded by Merpeople! I'd always thought they were myths but Teeds explained to me that no, they were the forerunners of land dwelling terrestrial humans. Many ET races have aquatic species that were forerunners of their land dwelling species.

The photo at right is not Photoshopped, CGI or AI. It's an actual photo taken by an oceanographer of a merman and it's exactly what the merpeople I saw looked like. In fact, his daughter won't go into the ocean to this day due to this photo. LOL

I was so shocked it never occurred to me to attempt telepathically communicating with them...but I did put my palm up on the wall of the ship and one swam up and put his hand against mine, as though saying hello. So they are intelligent and were friendly. 

ich merpeople.webp

Yup, the merpeople are 100% real! The upper halves of their bodies are very human looking and from the waist down they look like a fish with a tail. The do have webbed hands and their eyes are larger and deeper set than ours are - I imagine to enable them to see at ocean depths where there is no light.
They accompanied us the rest of the way to the Ichaboid city.

ichaboid city.avif

Their city was made of the same light-emitting ET glass material our ship was made of. We entered a hatch and something levitated us to the ground level of their city.
There we found a group of Ichaboids waiting to receive us.


They do have a verbal language in spite of being telepathic but we terrestrial humans can't speak it so we agreed I'd just call their spokesman for this group "Ichabod". (Original eh? LOL)


They are half fish, half frog and stand upright  9' tall and up. They do walk in bipedal fashion but have a slight 'hop' to their step.

Their heads and faces are fish-like in features. They have a dorsal fin atop their head and a pair of pectoral fins at their waist. They have gills on the sides of their faces that fold back against the face. They have 2 respiratory systems - one for inhabiting land, one for inhabiting water.

Their fingers and toes are webbed and their bodies are covered in a kind of iridescent silvery blue green scales. 


They are extremely intelligent, master geneticists. They are also extremely spiritual.


After introductions were made, Ichabod approached me, looking me over closely.

Before I realized it, he'd reached out, grabbed my boob and was feeling it up. I'd promised Jmmanuel I'd be on my best behavior so kept my composure. I realized this wasn't anything sexual on Ichabod's part...he was a master geneticist and curious about a race and species he'd never seen before. I let him feel to his heart's content. Hell, I'd had far worse Thursday nights!

Ichabod then took us on a shortened version of a tour of their city. One enormous area was full of very beautifully landscaped cetacean pools. Around the perimeter of these pools were very advanced crystal computers. The cetaceans would record what was happening in our oceans, then swim into these pools and "upload" their gathered intel into these computers. I learned that's what a whale song is...this intel gathering being passed between pods. Who knew?!


From there Ichabod took us to their genetics laboratory. I'd never seen anything like it before. It was a huge room full of 'workbenches'. Out of these workbenches rose life-sized 3D working models of every life form the Ichaboids had studied. 


Of course, silly me not thinking blurted out "You don't have any Terrans in here!"r

One of these days I might just learn to keep my big yap shut. 
That was the opening Ichabod wanted and he was quick to take it. Could he make models of Teeds and I?
Hell, he'd already felt up my boobs, why not?

We were instructed to remove our clothes and stand in 2 green light rings on the floor. As we stood there the green light ring rose up, slowly scanning our bodies. Whole process took less than a minute. We redressed and followed Ichabod to one of the workbenches. Out of it rose the 2 life-sized working scans of our bodies. We could see our hearts beating, our lungs expanding and contracting, the blood flowing through our veins. It was actually pretty cool!


Then it was on to their birthing pools. The Ichaboids are egg layers and they also had a pool for the merpeople. The female lays her eggs in the pool and cares for the offspring for the first 2 months of their lives.

ichaboid scan.webp

At that point, the offspring move onto land and the male takes over their care for the rest of their lives until they reach full maturity. 

Ichaboid seemed most interested in how humans reproduce so Teeds and I had to lay the whole process out for him. I think he was pretty grossed out by our way of doing things because he commented "I think we'll stick to egg laying." i was just glad he didn't ask Teeds and I to demonstrate.


On to the food production area. This consisted of huge aquaponic pools and it looked like the Ichaboids/ diet consisted mainly of seaweed of various varieties. They'd very kindly prepared a meal for us.

Ichaboid food.webp

Now, I'm a somewhat adventurous eater but eating an entire bowl of seaweed?
I didn't know how I'd get through that without tossing my cookies.

Teeds came to my rescue and advised Ichabod it wouldn't be advisable for me to eat much before checking out the objects we'd come to examine.

I did taste it however, and have to admit it wasn't all that bad.


By this time it was getting late and Teeds and I still hadn't done what we'd come to do. 

Silly me, I thought we'd be examining these boxes from the safety of the ship.

OH CONTRARE! Ichabod and his crew brought out special 'diving suits' they'd made for us.
I took one look at these suits and thought "WE'RE GONNA DIE DOWN HERE!"

They were as thick as a sheet of Saran Wrap and had a gel-like consistency to them. The helmet looked like the top of a jellyfish and was every bit as thin as the suit itself.

As the Ichaboids are helping me into that suit, that little voice in my head is screaming at the top of its lungs


In the meantime, Ichabod is explaining these Saran Wrap suits with their jellyfish helmets will provide us with all the air we need to breathe and if these boxes turn out to be explosive devices, these suits will protect us and any explosion or concussion wave will only cause us to take a couple of steps backward. Uh huh.


Mind you, we're deeper than the Mariana Trench. I could only calm myself by knowing at that psi, we'd implode long before our brains could register that fact.
In case you don't know what an implosion of the human body looks like at ocean depths:

We did take the ship to the location of these boxes but I'm not embarrassed to say Teeds had to forcibly pull me out of that ship. Dang! I wish I could've brought one of those suits back with me. I could've revolutionized our diving industry. 

I felt no pressure whatsoever against my body. I could breathe and move easily. And luckily, nothing exploded on Teeds and I. 
We grabbed one of the boxes and took it back with us to the Ichaboid city. Then it was time to say goodbye. I really hated saying goodbye to the Ichaboids. I really liked them.


As soon as we got back to our own ship we were debriefed and the box we'd brought back with us, examined.
Apparently Jmmanuel already knew what all had transpired during our visit to the Ichaboid city as he thanked me for being on my best behavior and said the Ichaboids had told him that I was welcome to visit them again at any time.


​My guys know I'm the biggest skeptic in the world so always give me proof of my experiences with them. A month or so after our trip I was surfing the Internet and came upon the story of Siberia's Lake Biakal Swimmers.


They looked almost identical to the Ichaboids and there were the Saran Wrap suits with the jellyfish-like helmets!


The story went 7 Russian Navy divers were diving in Lake Baikal when they encountered the Swimmers. 
They made the stupid decision to try to net one of the Swimmers to capture it.


The Swimmers didn't take at all kindly to this and set off a concussion wave that sent all 7 divers hurtling toward the surface.

​Not having decompressed, the divers all immediately got the bends.


Unfortunately there was only one decompression chamber anywhere near them, designed to hold 2 divers.

As a result 3 of the 7 divers died, 4 survived but were severely and permanently disabled. If I remember correctly, the four surviving divers were placed in mental institutions and forbidden by the Russian government to speak about encountering the Swimmers. Incidentally, Lake Baikal is a hotbed of USO activity.


The Ichaboids and Swimmers don't look exactly alike. The irises in the eyes of the Ichaboids are round and black like a fish's. The Swimmers have the vertical iris of the Reptilians. Nor do the Swimmers have the pectoral fins at the waist that the Ichaboids have. My guess is they might be "cousins" of sorts.

It's also interesting that the Swimmers were described as wearing thin suits of some kind of advanced technology. Oh yeah...those Saran Wrap suits! And I recalled what Ichabod had said about how the suits would protect us in the event of an explosion or concussion attack of any kind. The Swimmers had set off a CONCUSSION WAVE that hadn't affected them, only the divers.

I hope to some day revisit the Ichaboid city. 

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