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Alien and military abductees are constantly used in medical experimentation. We often wake up with physical marks inflicted during our abductions.


During one experiment, I woke up naked and paralyzed on a metal table. I could move my head enough to know I was on a ship in that the room was round and there were no seams or rivets in the metal walls.


There was a large light over my head that reminded me of lights used in a hospital operating room. Yet it was different from our lights.


I could hear feet shuffling behind me.


As I lay on this table a robotic arm holding a very long, large needle began gliding toward my head. I somehow knew "they" were going to insert that needle into my head. Now my head was paralyzed as well, I couldn't move it.


I remember hearing the sound of the needle puncturing the bone of my skull.

I don't remember feeling any pain but whether or not I blacked out momentarily I'm not sure. The next thing I heard was a female voice audibly say "The needle's stuck! I can't get it out!" She sounded panicked. More feet shuffling behind me.


The following morning when I awoke I had a sore spot on my scalp where they had put the needle in. There was a bump the size of a grain of rice there. I still have it to this day and it moves around under my scalp. It's still painful at times.


This kind of experimentation is common among Milabs:


On other occasions we'd be abducted into a DUMB, stripped naked and shackled to a metal table within a biocontainment unit. Doctors in full biohazard gear would come in, hook us up to IV's and inject deadly biowarfare agents into us to test them.

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It's common among abductees and Milabs to come out of an abduction with Rep scratches, scoop marks, bruises, rashes, implants, burns from not just abduction but medical experimentation.

© Melinda Leslie, Milab
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