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Actual portrait of DE done by Sarah Long

When Jmmanuel first began working with me, it was necessary he assume a variety of different characters. If he hadn't and come outright with who he was, Ms. Skeptic Agnostic here would've said "SURRRRRRRE YOU ARE! Buzz off a hole" and that didn't quite fit in with the Angelics' plan.


So the first character Jmmanuel appeared as was a Native American he called "Dancing Earth". Being none the wiser and generally rather stupid about anything ET at the time, I simply thought DE (as we called him) was my spirit guide.

I could wrap my head around having a spirit guide. Not so much "Hey, this is the guy you think of as Jesus!"

Yes, that is an actual portrait of DE above, done by my friend, Sarah Long. Before we get into the Ghost Dance, I'll tell you an amusing anecdote attached to Sarah drawing that portrait. She wasn't sure exactly how she'd draw DE since she couldn't see him like I could.
I told her "Don't even worry about that. Just listen to the voice in your head and he'll guide you as you draw him."

Jmmanuel is always complaining his nose is too big. He and I have a running argument about that. However, I never mentioned anything about this to Sarah at all!
She was very nervous when she brought the finished portrait to me, saying "I'm not sure I got it right..."
I assured her she had, at which point she said to me "Oh WHEW! i thought I got it wrong because he kept telling me I was drawing his nose too big!"

And yes, he does resemble Sitting Bull as one of his earthly incarnations was as a predecessor of Sitting Bull, many hundreds of years before the Sioux Nation became the Sioux Nation. In fact, he and I did that incarnation together and I was his nephew in that incarnation.


It was DE who put me through the Ghost Dance OBE, as witnessed by at least 6 of my friends at the time. 

We were gathered in an audio chatroom just shooting the breeze with each other and relaxing. Suddenly I began to hear a very faint pounding noise.
"Hey, do you guys hear a faint pounding noise?" I asked.

None of them were hearing it so the first time I dismissed it. A few seconds later it began again - much louder this time. 
"Are you SURE you guys don't hear that pounding noise?" I asked again.


My friends swore they heard nothing but this time it was loud enough that I got up from my computer and walked the outside perimeter of my house, looking for something like a tree limb banging against my house. But I found nothing that would've been making this banging noise so I resumed our chat.

A few seconds later it began a third time! This time it was loud enough to recognize as drum beats. What in the hell???
"You guys have to be hearing this pounding that sounds like drumbeats!" I insisted.
"You been hitting the bottle over there, Patty?" they were all laughing, knowing I didn't drink.


WHAM! Suddenly I was standing in the middle of a Native American village. It was night and a large fire burned in the middle of this village. The tribe was gathered around this fire.

sioux village.jpg

"DE WHAT THE HELL?!!" I hollered.
"SHHH!" he sternly commanded. "Watch and listen!"

I had a bad feeling about this whole thing...


From the forest surrounding the village, two rows of braves emerged, carrying something resembling a travois. Their faces were eerily painted white, red and black.

They were approaching this fire carrying this travois when I was hit with an overwhelming feeling of dread.

"No, it is your time," he replied.


I knew what the travois was for - a dead body. MY dead body. I don't know what other way to put it...I knew I was about to die.

There was only the briefest flash of recognition, an "OMG this is! I'm leaving" before DE and I became one with the eagle that had been perched on his shoulder. It was beyond exhilarating! We were weightless, soaring over canyons with a thin river of blue running through them. I could feel the wind currents moving through my feathers and see everything through the eyes of the eagle. I had literally not a care in the world, everything earthly had been left behind, resulting in a freedom I'd never even imagined possible before. It was like the John Denver song lyric "I slipped the surly bonds of earth..."

We returned to the village. The tribe gathered around the fire all got up and began dancing to music. They became more and more frenzied in their dancing, some of them even falling to the ground in what appeared to be an unconscious state.

WHAM! I was back at my computer. My friends sounded scared to death, saying I'd suddenly just been "gone" for about 5 minutes, mumbling something about an Indian village and an eagle and that I was about to die.


As magnificent as flying with the eagle had been, the whole experience rattled me as I didn't understand what had just happened to me. I'd scarcely gathered my wits about me when the drum beats began again.


WHAM! I was back in the same village. This time a man I took to be the chief of the tribe was standing with a young brave next to him. This brave was dressed in a full length cloak of eagle feathers he had wrapped around himself. From the other side of the village, a young woman emerged from a tipi, dressed in Native finery. She walked toward the brave wearing the eagle cloak and as she did, he opened the cloak and wrapped it around her, pulling her to him in the process. I realized I was watching a marriage ceremony.


WHAM! I was back at my computer again. My friends were now even more frantic, not understanding what was going on any more than I did. They said I'd been "gone" 3 minutes that time and was basically non coherent.


The drum beats began a third time. WHAM! Now I found myself in some kind of lodge but it was a bit confusing to me as this was an Ojibwe style lodge, not Sioux lodging. Many years later I'd come to realize this foretold of my interactions with the Ojibwe tribe on the reservation near my home.

ojibwe lodge.jpg

Now I'm inside this lodge where the young woman I just saw married is in labor, about to give birth. DE was nowhere in sight yet I knew he was standing right outside this lodge. I remember my muddled brain thinking Oh sure! Just like a man!
There was an elderly Native woman acting as a kind of midwife and what I took to be a medicine man chanting over this young woman as he sprinkled dried herbs(?) over her.
She gave birth to a little girl. 


I walked outside to DE and asked "OK so who's the baby?"

"Don't ask stupid questions you already know the answer to!" he replied.


I didn't know who the baby was at that point but came to realize the baby had been me.

WHAM! Back at my computer again. By this time my friends were so frantic they'd gotten a hold of a Native American friend of ours and brought her into the chat. According to them, I'd been 'gone' 8 minutes that time. And I still didn't understand what had just happened to me!


My Native American friend explained "I've seen the groundhog around you for weeks now."
"OK...what does a groundhog have to do with anything?" I asked rather stupidly.
"It's a sign of death and rebirth. You just went through the Ghost Dance. You'll find your psychic abilities are greatly enhanced now."


I knew absolutely nothing about the Ghost Dance so if you don't either, here you go.

It is a dance of death and rebirth, just as I went through in my OBE. I'd come to discover my Native friend was psychic abilities more than doubled in accuracy, to the point it scared me. I quit using them for months after the Ghost Dance.


But this whole OBE gets even more weird. 


One of my friends who'd been in the chat when I went through that OBE contacted me, telling me "There's this gal in Australia you HAVE to talk to! She had an experience almost identical to yours! Her name is Angi."


I did contact Angi. Although she experienced the Ghost Dance in a dream vs. an OBE, our experiences were identical down to the smallest detail. She even had that dream the same night and hour down to the minute that I had my OBE!

Several days later Angi contacted me and said she was sending me an audio file I needed to listen to. I shouted at her "OH MY GOD! THAT'S THE MUSIC FROM MY OBE!"

"Yeah, I know" she replied. "And guess what it's called. Ghost Dance!"


I can no longer find that original audio file but the following video gives you an idea of what the Ghost Dance music sounded like.

Things were to get even more weird yet.


DE would show me that past life in which we were Sioux hundreds of years before the Sioux Nation became the Sioux Nation, in which I'd been his nephew.

I was male, 16 years old. The men of the tribe were rounding up a herd of wild horses. My horse was bitten by a snake in the process and I was thrown from the horse directly in the path of the stampeding wild horses. My left shoulder and head were severely injured. DE told me "We worked on you until sundown but the damage was just too great."


In this lifetime, it was my goal to become an Olympic swimmer, I was in training for that, spending most of my time in the pool. When I turned 16, suddenly I had debilitating pain in my left shoulder and began experiencing blinding headaches. My parents took me to every doctor and specialist possible and none of them could find any cause for this pain and these headaches. They ended my dream of becoming an Olympic swimmer as I couldn't use my left arm for a full year. Then when I turned 17, the mysterious pain disappeared as quickly as it had appeared and the headaches stopped.

Not so coincidentally, I don't like horses. Every time I've tried to ride a horse I've been thrown by the horse. Every...single...time. Somehow I don't think all of that is mere coincidence.


Not only that, I'd receive a copy of my DHSS papers that stated I was part Native American. Sioux to be precise. DE had told me this but I didn't believe him at the time.


As for the enhancement of my psychic abilities, I'd eventually make a video for DE as a thank you for that OBE experience. When I made it, not even I realized all of the Angelic symbolism I'd put into it until he explained it to me. 

The Tribe of Dan was the original earth Angelic seeded bloodline. 


From Project Mannequin by Milab, James Casbolt (aka Michael Prince):

Project Oaktree was actually set up to locate the descendants of the ‘Tribe of Dan,’ which is the so-called ‘Lost Tribe of Israel’. These middle-eastern people were of white skin, and the descendants are not actually lost but kept secret.  The Tribe of Dan travelled from Dan (‘Kaish’ in Hebrew) just below Mt Hermon and went up into Greece around the time of the Exodus. In Greece, they were known as the Spartans. From Greece they travelled to France where they were the Merovingian Priest-Kings and other French Royal lines. From France they travelled to Scotland, Ireland and America. They were known as the ‘Tuatha De Danann’ in Ireland and Celtic clans, such as the ‘Campbells’ in Scotland. They were heavily into animal shamanism, such as bird and snake symbology. The eagle is one of their symbols. 
[My note: The eagle symbol later being hijacked by the NSA]


This is a very holy bloodline with powerful PSI abilities. The Luciferian religions believe that by abusing children and people of this bloodline, they are directly attacking God. The Watchers had good and evil amongst them. Archangel Michael is named as a physical watcher in the Middle East in the Dead Sea Scrolls. The battle between the ‘Sons of Light’ and the ‘Sons of Darkness’ is mentioned in this work. This battle still rages today. Some say Project Oaktree was ultimately looking for the human descendants of the Watchers."

And here is the eagle video I made for DE, full of symbolism I didn't even know myself I'd packed into it and not even knowing the eagle was the symbol of the Tribe of Dan.

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