People often ask me how I escaped the alien and Milab abductions. This is the story of how I did that.
For the first time ever I knew I was about to be abducted. Not 10 minutes later, WHAM!
I'm standing in front of a Drac Reptilian, worker class.
"We're going to kill you!" It snarled.
By then, I was so beat up from being targeted and the repeated abduction I saw death as being the only way out of the deep black projects.
'Go ahead," I shrugged. I stood there waiting for the Drac to kill me. It didn't. I physically felt it scan my mind to see if I was bluffing. Apparently it figured out I wasn't.
It conjured up a holographic image of my siblings.
'We'll kill them too!' it hissed at me.
"Go ahead," I shrugged again.
The Drac scanned my mind a second time but that works both ways. At the same time, I was scanning its mind...and I realized IT DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH ME!
I wasn't giving it the fear reaction it needed! At that point, the Drac flew into a rage.
I saw its talons coming at me but couldn't spin away fast enough. With 2 of its talons, it raked me from my lower chest all the way around to the middle of my back.

As suddenly as the Drac had appeared it disappeared and I was back on my living room sofa. I pulled up my shirt...sure enough, there were the Rep scratches.
Photo at left.
Funny thing happened. Both the alien and Milab abductions ended that night and I've never been abducted since.
The Dracs opening portals inside my house stopped as well.
I'd finally learned the lesson my Angelics had been trying to pound into my head for years: Fear doesn't exist unless we create it ourselves. Fear is nothing but what we make our own minds believe.
I'd faced the Drac completely without fear, not feeding it that "loosh" it needed to continue to control me. Knowing they now could no longer control me, they had no further interest in me. They avoided me from that point forward.