It was so common as an abductee to discover scratches and other abduction marks on our bodies, that I never gave any thought to being Rep scratched with a Pi symbol. In fact, I nearly didn't photograph it at all as I figured who would ever look at all the abduction mark photos I'd taken up to that point? No one.
The photo of my Pi scratch laid gathering dust for years...until I came upon an Australian Milab who'd also been Pi scratched - although her Pi scratch was inverted whereas mine was right side up.
My Pi scratch is on the left and was already beginning to disappear when I took the photo. The Australian Milab's Pi scratch is on the right.

Curious now, I asked Jmmanuel about these Pi scratches. Luckily I had the foresight to write down his exact reply:
"One mark is not like the other. They have recognized you as the highest of the high, as one who can move mountains and have branded you as such. They know they can't control you. They're very afraid of you."
What is highest of the high? The Angelic hierarchy these dark forces fear. Jmmanuel explained the Aussie's Pi scratch was how they branded a soldier in the Sons of Light army. These dark forces aren't afraid to mock a "mere soldier" so invert the Pi brand - much like they make a mockery of Christian symbols like a cross by turning it upside down. However, the know the power the Angelic hierarchy holds so are afraid to make a mockery of that hierarchy. Therefore, my Pi symbol is right side up.
I found it curious Jmmanuel had used the term "branded". Branding is something one uses to establish ownership - like a rancher branding his herd of cattle. I'd seen this 'branding' somewhere before...and then it came to me. I'd seen it working the Johnny Gosch abduction! They branded the kids they abducted into their worldwide pedophile ring.

Johnny Gosch with pedophile ring brand
"Let me show you something," Jmmanuel said, getting a black light. He shone the black light on where my Pi brand had disappeared many years ago. It lit up under the black light! I was furious.
"Get that damn thing off of me!" I told him. He complied and removed the Pi brand.
Just as my brand had shown up under black light, so had Johnny's.

I also noticed they'd branded all 3 of us in the same place - upper left shoulder.
Not only did this brand represent they saw us as their 'property', the branding on the left shoulder symbolized we walked the left hand path with them as their 'property'.
The glowing under black light is caused by Luciferase, the same thing they put in their deadly COVID jabs.
The government is in the process of turning regular streetlights to black lights. Why?
Via their surveillance they can see these brands and instantly know who is on their side and who isn't.