Mind Reading Center
© Dr, Karla Turner
I was less than cooperative as a Milab abductee. The deep black military have mind reading centers and I'd learned how to block them from reading my mind.
Therefore, a military official took me to one of their underground mind reading centers in order to convince me they COULD read my mind and "Resistance is futile!"
Well, I'd already gotten the lowdown from Jmmanuel on this mind reading business so knew they needed facial expressions and verbal speech in order to read one's mind. I gave them neither, which blocked them from reading my mind.
In these mind reading centers, on the front wall of the room is a very large screen upon which "thought images" are projected. This large screen can subdivided into several smaller screens so that a number of thought images can be projected simultaneously.
The rest of the room is comprised of long tables on which sit their mind reading technology that reads the facial expressions and records the verbal language and translate the thought images onto computer screens in front of the operator. These are what can be projected onto the big screen at the front of the room.
I did not see any Zeta aliens in the mind reading center I was taken to. However, other Milabs reported seeing either authentic Zetas or small men dressed and masked as Zetas to try to fool us into believing they were authentic aliens.