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I had this 'something' in my head since I was 3 years old. I couldn't define what this 'something' was. A psychic vision perhaps?

I was in a place that was clearly not earth. A teacher that I loved very much and I were leaving a huge, white marble Hall. We were walking toward a platform of some sort that stood in what I could only describe as being a town square.

Both my teacher and I were dressed in long white, hooded robes of the type a monk might wear.

We walked in silence, neither of us saying anything. I felt very sad at the prospect of leaving this place I was in and I could feel my teacher's sadness at my leaving. I had no idea where I was going apart from very far away to help a great number of souls in serious trouble. I also knew I'd be gone a very long time.


I very vividly remember looking up at the night sky that surrounded us -  a very deep midnight blue filled with millions of twinkling stars - and thinking to myself Take a good look at that sky and remember it because it's going to be a long time until you see it again.


As my teacher and I walked many others joined us, all dressed in the same white hooded robes my teacher and I wore. I could feel their sadness at leaving as well.


Those of us who were leaving mounted the platform in the town square. One moment we were standing on that platform, the next we'd already arrived at our destination. But along the way, many others joined us, just appearing among us. Some were human-looking, others not at all. We all spoke different languages and dressed differently, yet we were united in the mission we were going on. I'm sure the lot of us kind of resembled the cantina scene in the movie Star Wars.

When we arrived at our destination, the leader of our group told us we were in a holding area waiting to be born. I remember being very confused by this...I already existed, why would I need to be born?

This same leader then told us "Helper ships are standing by to help you on your mission."


At 3 years old I couldn't have told you what an ET or UFO was much less anything about any helper ships. It would be at the Probe Intl. Conference that John Lenard Walson would show his photos taken of those helper ships stationed around earth.

I was in my 40's by then and this was confirmation that the 'something' playing repeatedly in my head was not merely my imagination!


It was only when the panel reviewed my case that they informed me this was an ACTUAL MEMORY of me coming to earth from the Angelic realm!


And that teacher I'd loved so much and had been walking to the platform with?
At the beginning of our journey together, he'd told me "There's a surprise ending to this as to who you really are." Actually, I got a few surprise endings that sent my head spinning in 360's. Not the least of which was discovering who this teacher I loved so much was...


I was told only "We're bringing you to the ship. There's someone that wishes to meet you."


I was taken to a ship quarters and told to make myself at home, that the 'someone' who wanted to meet me would be along shortly. This ship quarters was decorated entirely in white, which I found kind of weird.


At that moment, the doors slid open and in he walked...


Yup, I found myself face-to-face with the big guy himself. 


I don't know what he did but in that instant all of my erased ET memories returned - of he and I doing lessons in the Hall of Justice gardens, of our incarnations together all over the cosmos, all of it. In detail.


He grinned from ear-to-ear and wrapped me in a bear hug. Not that I was as enamored of him because I punched him for spinning my head in 360's for years during my spiritual awakening. To which he just laughed.

It was then I learned I worked with him in the Christ Command.

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