The Angelics have done some truly miraculous things in my life...but I'd have to say this one was THE most miraculous.

When I was still living down in southern Wisconsin my best friend was Rose.
At the time my husband and I bought a resort and were moving to northern WI, Rose had just been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. Oncologists had given her less than 6 months to live.
She was selling her house at the same time we moved north. Although I'd given her my new address and phone number, I didn't hear from her after I moved so I'd assumed she'd passed away.
After the Illuminati murdered my husband I was in really bad health and rough shape. They'd also conducted a smear campaign against me in order
to both discredit me and isolate me.
I said to Jmmanuel, "I can't do this alone. Now that John's gone, I need you to bring me a friend who will believe what is being done to me."
​That night I came home to find a message on my answering machine - FROM ROSE!
We'd been separated for over 20 years at the time so she immediately drove north to spend a few days with me. I didn't have to tell her John had died, she somehow just knew. She'd been cleaning out a box in her closet when she found the slip of paper I'd written my new address and phone number on.
"Rose," I said. "What the hell happened? I thought you were dead!"
"I said to the Lord I know I'm here on a mission but feel that mission isn't finished yet. If it's your will I'd like to stay and finish my mission," Rose explained.
The next time Rose saw her oncologists, all of the over 20 tumors in her lungs had completely disappeared. Nor could they find a single cancer cell in her body. They declared her a "medical miracle" and used her as an AMA study case.
But Rose and I knew who'd not only reunited us but cured her cancer.
It was my needing her as a friend that was the unfinished part of her mission here.
She passed away the following year from a stroke but I still think of her often to this day.