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SIMI abduction watercolor.webp

When one is a Milab the black ops military would often send us on black ops missions. The following mission I was sent on during Project Seagate.


I was in an ocean or sea with a dolphin beside me. Military spooks were in a black Kodiak raft, giving me instructions. The dolphin and I were to swim to an undersea base and deliver a message/ultimatum to someone within that base.

I wore nothing but a black wetsuit, a weight belt and some kind of communication device behind one of my ears.


I never understood how I didn't drown during that mission - until I learned the military spooks taught us to breathe water.


The dolphin and I swum quite a distance down. The entrance to this undersea base was camoflauged to look like a part of the sea bed. We swam down a long tunnel and surfaced in a pool within this base.


In no way was I prepared for what I was confronted with, that I was to deliver that message/ultimatum to. Before me stood an alligator that was roughly 10' tall. It stood upright and communicated telepathically. It was extremely intelligent and stood there grinning at me. 
I thought Deliver the damn message and get outta here before this thing eats you for lunch!


I later told a friend of mine what had happened...but I left out the bit about the alligator. I'd worked so hard to remain credible and I was afraid if I told him about the alligator I'd lose that credibility. But something finally told me to tell him about the alligator.

"Oh, a Yellow Belly," he replied.
"WAIT! A WHAT?!!" I nearly shouted.
"That's what the military calls them...Yellow Bellies," he said.


I hadn't imagined anything! These Yellow Bellies actually existed! I wasn't crazy after all.


What I remembered most vividly about that mission was the word "SIMI" but I couldn't make sense of it. Neither could my friend or any of the other Milabs I asked.
Enter the Andromes and one of my Andromedan contacts, Maelto.

Maelto explained they'd kind of 'hijacked' that black ops mission in order to test me.

"Test me for what?" I asked.
"You only remembered part of the word - SIMI. The entire word was SIMIlation," Maelto explained.

"Assimilation into what?"
"Into Andromedan society," he replied.
"Uh huh. And why would I need to be assimilitated?"
"We want you to train on one of our biospheres with our Security crew. We had to see how you'd react to them first. If you'd like to do this, then let me know."


Well, I hadn't gone postal with this 10' tall alligator so I guess I'd passed the test. I told Maelto I'd take them up on their offer.

My sketch of Maelto

I spent a month total on an Andromedan biosphere training with their Yellow Belly security team. It was an amazing experience. 

The ship was very similar to the Andromedan biosphere shown below:

Both illustrations © Bert and Denise Twiggs

It was my first experience with how afraid the ET's are of terrestrial humans. The adults on the ship would hide their children behind them, using their bodies as a shield between myself and their children. It took a few days for them to realize terrestrial humans would not only not eat them but that their children were in no danger from me and I loved their children nearly as much as they did themselves.

Once the kids discovered I carried little treats with me to give them, they approached me with no fear whatsoever.


The Andromedan biospheres function just like their planetary societies do. Everyone contributes freely to the maintenance of the whole. When not working in Security I was expected to spend some time pitching in, helping elsewhere on the ship doing various tasks. I discovered the ET's did this in joy and began to experience that myself. 


I never expected my guys to give me the confirmation they did with this experience.

When I was preparing to go to Hawaii, I came across a woman named
Joan Ocean, who organized dolphin swims with wild dolphins. She and I got to talking about how cetaceans were ET's. She told me of her best friend, Kinsley Jarrett who'd died the year previously but had been a contactee himself. I showed Joan the sketch I'd made of going to that undersea base.


"OH...MY...GOD!" she said. "I'm sending you a sketch Kinsley made of a similar experience he had with the ET's!"


Having died the previous year, Kinsley and I had never even spoken to one another. Yet look at how similar our 2 sketches are!

SIMI abduction watercolor.webp
kinsley jarret.jpg
© Joan Ocean

Same tubular elevator to the left, same dolphin pools, same guy working at some kind of computer to the right. Explain how we got our sketches so similar without ever having spoken to one another! Mind blowing.

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