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Interrogations were common place for Milabs to undergo but there was one interrogation that stood out to me. This happened within Area 51 after the military spooks figured out I came from off planet and knew how to fly alien craft.


One of the mlitary clone spooks escorted me into a small office that contained only a metal desk and a straight back chair on the opposite side of the desk. The clone spook shoved me down into the straight back chair.


Across from me sat a military officer. I sense he was high ranking although his green military uniform bore no identifying information whatsoever. He was a bit on the chubby side with gray hair cut in a crew cut. He stared at me for a couple minutes as though sizing me up.​​

key interrogation2 j.jpg
My sketch of my military interrogator & actual photo of him

He launched into his interrogation:


"You know what the aliens are up to. Tell us what the aliens are up to."
"You know about alien technology. Tell us about alien technology."
"Tell us about alien weaponry."


He shoved a schematic at me that had alien script on it. "You read alien script. Tell us what this says."
Me: "It's a propulsion system."
"Tell us what this script says."

He shoves a blank piece of paper and pencil at me. "Draw us a map of the universe."

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When someone annoys me, I go into sarcastic mode. I was most definitely in sarcastic mode and wanted only to get this guy riled up at this point.


He continued: "Tell me what happened to Atlantis."


I noticed his "we" had suddenly changed to "me" and found this a very odd question. Until I read his actual biography:
"[Name deleted] describes his assignment in 1972 as an infantry officer at Schofield BarracksHawaii,
before which time he went diving in the Bimini Islands in search of the mythological continent of Atlantis."

Never one to miss an opportunity, I saw an opening and took it:
Me: "They got too big for their britches and started playing God so the powers that be wiped them out. Same thing is going to happen to the lot of YOU."
(Let him mull that one over for a bit!)


I'm not sure how long the interrogation went on but it seemed like forever and the questions were all ET related - confirming the CIA's claim they'd determined I was from off planet.​

He leaned forward in his chair, studied me for a moment and demanded "Give us the key."
Me: "What key?" (I honestly didn't know what key he was referring to.)

"You know what key! Now give us the key!"
"I don't know what key you're referring to,' I repeated.

He glanced at the military spook standing behind me and suddenly a gun was put to my head.


The interrogator jumped up, banged his fist on the desk and shouted "GIVE US THE GODDAMN KEY!"

I chuckled and said 'Well, if you kill me you'll never get the GODDAMNED KEY, now will you?"


Apparently he thought I was being less than cooperative, for he had me thrown on a table in the adjoining room and had me gang raped by his black ops spooks.


It wasn't until 2023 that I learned who this military interrogator was. I'd published my sketch of him in an online Milab group and 7 other Milabs immediately recognized him. They'd given him the nickname "Bulldog" and that is how he looked and acted - like a bulldog. I posted an actual photo of him on my sketch but won't mention his name as I don't want to endanger anyone. 


Come to find out from other Milabs that Bulldog's "hobby" was inventing torture devices with which to torture female Milabs - among them an electrified rod similar to a cattle prod, that he'd shove up the vaginas of the female Milabs he ordered raped and gangraped.


To illustrate just how corrupt our system is, this guy was decorated by the President for his works in the deep black projects. And a Surface Level 'Truther' posted a video of an interview he'd done with Bulldog, claiming he was a "hero" while showering him with gifts. 

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