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The biggest cover-up of all time is the fact that there is a civilization of people living in the center of Earth, whose civilization’s name is known as “Aghartha”.  

The Buddhists, in their theology fervently believe in its existence. They believe it to be a race of super men and women who occasionally come to the surface to oversee the development of the human race. They also believe that this subterranean world has millions of inhabitants and many cities, and their capital is Shamballa. The Dalai Lama of Tibet is Aghartha's terrestrial representative.


Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, is connected by a tunnel with the inner earth, Shamballa. The entrance of this tunnel is guarded by lamas who were sworn to secrecy. A similar tunnel is believed to connect the secret chambers at the base of the great pyramid at Giza, and Agartha. This is true and I'll get into an explanation of this later.


The Indian epic, the Ramayana and the Bhagavad Gita are the two most famous texts of India. The Ramayana describes Rama as an “emissary from Agartha”, who arrived on an air vehicle. This is quite extraordinary in that both the Buddhist and Hindu religions separately refer to Aghartha.


The first public scientific evidence occurred in 1947 when Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd of the United States Navy flew directly to the North Pole and instead of going over the pole, actually entered the Inner Earth. In his diary with other witnesses, he tells of entering the hollow interior of the Earth, and traveling 1700 miles over mountains, lakes, rivers, green vegetation and animal life. He tells of seeing monstrous animals resembling the mammoth of antiquity moving through the underbrush. He eventually found cities and a thriving civilization.

That's a brief history of Aghartha. I'm going to give you a bit more expanded view of Aghartha, having spent time there.


All members of the Christ Command are required to complete their training in Aghartha, which is the Order of Melchizedek's earthly arm of the Angelics. It is the Agharthans that are charged with helping terrestrial humans return to the Divine beings they once were.
As Jmmanuel did himself at 33 AD at the Mird monastery (Angelic mystery school) on the Dead Sea, he requires all members of the Christ Command working with him to be installed into the Order of Melchizedek and this takes place in Aghartha after we've received our Order of Melchizedek sword.


Just so no misinformation arises here, the Order of Melchizedek is NOT a secret society.
It is an EDUCATIONAL group, which is why the cosmic educational system is referred to as the "Melchizedek schools", including the 490 schools on the planets in the Mira galaxy.
The Order is rather like your school board but on a much larger cosmic scale. We are educators, despite the Order being comprised of High Priests and High Priestesses.


One does not get into Aghartha without the necessary 'keys' to gain entrance. No, one cannot even astral travel into Aghartha despite what many claim. It is domed with a protective force field, which prevents anyone not possessing those 'keys', IN ANY FORM from accessing Aghartha.  Source that backs this up
Even those of us in the Christ Command completing our training there had to be escorted into Aghartha by someone possessing the proper 'keys'. By the completion of our training there, we earn our 'keys' to Aghartha and the ability to access it ourselves.


This is due to what is housed there and the dark forces' and human military's previous attempts to get at what is housed there. This is what all of the government/military's repeated expeditions to the Poles was about, most of them ending in disaster for the military. 

I'm sure many of you have heard of what you all call the "Gateway to Amenti" stargate or portal. This stargate is not your typical stargate, it is a DIAGONAL stargate which allows one with the proper DNA coding to access ALL densities and dimensions, both up and down.
Think of a Queen moving on a chessboard and being able to move any direction, using any number of squares on the chessboard. In other words, one could travel right to the Angelic realm itself - which the Draconian Reptilians attempted to do when this stargate was housed in the Giza pyramid. Because they did not possess the required DNA coding to use that stargate, they essentially "broke" the stargate - and managed to kill themselves attempting to use it. This necessitated one of our 12D Council members coming to repair the stargate and moving it to Amenti for safekeeping.


The other thing housed in Aghartha is the key to creation itself. (This is the key my high ranking military interrogator was demanding I turn over to him during my interrogation at gunpoint.)  Imagine if these whackadoodle Loserferians got their mitts on THAT, what absolute cosmic havoc they could wreak! So this is why Aghartha is domed with that impenetrable force field. Some of those dark force entities are multidensity so could "astral" into Aghartha, which is why the force field prevents astral travel into Aghartha. Make sense?


Aghartha is absolutely beautiful. The Agharthans are completely in tune with nature so their modern cities are built incorporating the nature that is both within and surrounds them.
In the non urban areas, Aghartha has a variety of different terrains much like earth does.


Yes, they have dinosaurs and wooly mammoths. While I didn't see any dinosaurs, I did see the herds of wooly mammoths.

woolymammoth adobe.webp

They're so huge the ground literally vibrates when they walk.
They're quite magnificent looking.


There are a variety of races living in Aghartha, including giant races. The Agharthans are one of those giant races and everything they have is super-sized.


Imagine having to be lifted into your chair at the dining table like a baby being seated in their high chair - as I was. Rather humiliating but it gives one an idea of the scale we're talking about here.

The Agharthans are completely self sufficient. They're vegetarians and grow all of their own food in huge gardens tended by autobots. For example, one of their peaches is the size of one of our cantaloupes. All food is organic so has a much better flavor than earth surface food.


I was also lucky enough while there to watch an Agharthan woman giving birth. You mothers out there are going to groan reading this. LOL
Like some ET races, they've figured out how to shorten a pregnancy from 9 months to 5 months for starters. They've also eliminated pain from childbirth. No epidurals, hours of hard labor, no screaming at your significant other "YOU EVER TOUCH ME AGAIN, I'LL KILL YOU!", no ring of fire. 
The mother does not lie down to give birth, she remains vertical in order for gravity to help the baby down the birth canal. All births take place in a large birthing pool that looks similar to an ancient Roman bath. A High Priestess delivers all babies and the birth is attended by the entire family, including 10 pair of 'godparents' that will act as life mentors to the baby.

The baby is floated in the birthing pool for around 30 minutes after birth in order to gradually ease the baby into being outside the womb. Only after that 30 minutes is the umbilical cord cut, the Agharthans having discovered cutting the cord too soon results in health problems down the road, especially respiratory problems.
We women could learn a lot from the Agharthans on the childbirth front!



Those of us in Aghartha to complete our training were each assigned a High Priest or Priestess tutor. My tutor was Delphinus.

Nearly all of our remaining education took place within the Library of Porthologos.
The Library is overseen by Melchizedek himself, with the help of his son.

Library of Porthologos.jpg
Melchizedek_j-removebg-preview (1).png
Library of Porthologos and Melchizedek

I was told this Library is the protoype for future earth libraries. If that's the case, you won't be getting me out of future earth libraries! This library is beyond mind blowing.
In the library proper, one climbs some steps to a doorway. Step through that doorway and you find yourself in the middle of the Milky Way galaxy. No, I'm not kidding. I don't know how they do this...but that's where you'll find yourself and you can travel anywhere you want from there.

In other sections of the Library is everything contained within the Angelic Hall of Records but it's on crystalline slides you can view in a handheld device or in a small amphitheater within the Library itself. However, one has to be of the equivalent of a 5D spiritual level in order to access the material on those slides. I'm not sure why that is but that's what I was told. There are also outside garden areas designed specifically for viewing these slides.

A set of these slides is specifically geared toward earning one's 'keys' to gain admittance to Aghartha and we were required to view that set of slides in order to earn our 'keys'. No, they aren't the Emerald Tablets of Thoth according to Delphinus, they're unique. Although Delphinus claims they have the information on the Emerald Tablets in their library. Don't quote me here...but I got the impression these 'keys' aren't known on earth - for obvious reasons since they give one access to Aghartha.


Once we have these 'keys' only then are we inducted into the Order of Melchizedek and free to begin our work around the cosmos, working with Jmmanuel as primarily educators.


Yes, there are numerous entrances to Aghartha from earth's surface besides the 2 Poles.
There are entrances in Egypt (including the tunnel from the Giza Pyramid), Tibet and the Yucatan as well as the Bermuda Triangle, the Soviet Union and Africa - among many others.


The United States Government and other countries are aware of the Inner Earth and are covering up the fact as they are with UFO’s and extraterrestrials. A few years ago I went on Google Earth and tried to bring up the Pole entrances. The government had blocked seeing them. However, this is what the North Pole entrance to inner earth looks like:

North Pole entrance to inner earth

One of the early writers to present the theory of the Earth being Hollow with openings at its poles was an American thinker, William Reed, author of the book, “Phantom of the Poles” published in 1906. This book provides an early compilation of scientific evidence, based on the reports of Arctic explorers, in support of the theory that the Earth is hollow with openings at its poles. Reed estimates that the crust of the Earth has a thickness of 800 miles, while its hollow interior has a diameter of 6,400 miles.

All of the entrances to Aghartha are connected by a MagLev type train that runs between them and the continents within inner earth and all the way down into the jungles of Brazil.


If you're interested in reading the account of Colonel Billie Faye Woodard of the United States Air Force of his travels to Aghartha, you can do so here.
Woodward was a previous inhabitant of Aghartha, which was why he was allowed access and this was in the years prior to the force fields being put in place.
I did ask Delphinus if Woodward was legitimate and she assured me he was.

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