Meeting the Andromes
Although I'd met Maelto already, my assimilation into the Andromedan society was about to begin.

Jmmanuel's right hand man is Aron, a blue skinned Androme. (Pronounced And row mee. They're not called "Andromedans".)
I'd actually live on Andromeda for awhile, with Aron's family - wife, Adelinna; daughter, Ahlihana; and son, Achille.
Aron is a master linguist and would become my ET languages instructor.
Their planet is beautiful, looks much like earth does with its varying terrain. The Andromes were even more beautiful as people. Once you've bonded with them they consider you a member of their family.
They have no financial system. Everyone contributes freely to the maintenance of the entire society. For example, if you go into a 'grocery store' there, you grab a levitating cart and just go around the store picking up what you need. You stop at a kind of 'checkout' counter where the clerk inventories what you've taken so they have a running inventory of what they have on hand.
About four times a year they have a kind of combination of our fair and flea market, that is a celebration to the Creator, which they call the "Isness". Everyone brings their wares and goods, stores get restocked from this and everyone takes what they want from the displays of goods. Services are also exchanged, free of charge.
The Andromes are expert agriculturalists for the most part so grow all of their own food.
They're vegetarians. Their food is similar to ours in some respect, different in other respects. All of their foods are created to be high in nutrition, everything is grown organically.
What I found really odd were their homes. As advanced as their technology is, their homes resemble our 1980's earth homes. They even have plumbing problems at times like we do. I found that very odd. Most do not have TV's in their homes. Those that do are part of the consensual Androme/Terran breeding program and it's how they keep in touch with their Terran partners.
They invest a great deal of time in their families. Children are educated for 150 of our earth years in every subject and trade imaginable. At the end of their educations, they are free to pursue whatever interests them. This is why the Andromes are so proficient at virtually everything, jacks of all trades.
The Andromes are huge animal lovers. They have decks on their biospheres dedicated to injured and dying animals they bring aboard from all over and nurse back to health. They also teach them to be telepathic communicators.
What I found really unique was what I called a 'puppy dog worm'. All of the Androme kids have them.

My sketch of a puppy dog worm
These puppy dog worms are about 6" to 8" long. Their bodies are segmented like a worm but some also have hair like a caterpillar. Their head is exactly like that of a puppy and they act just like a puppy, even barking. They were the darndest, cutest things I'd ever seen.
There are several different races of Andromes - an aquatic species, the blue skinned, the 'Oriental' species from which terrestrial human Oriental races descended, etc. They are 5th density beings and the ET races most like Terrans.
Living among the Andromes really cemented our relationships with one another and to this day, I work closely with the Andromes.