Piloting A UFO
During one of my Milab abductions I overheard the military spooks making plans to do something really deceptive to humanity. I was incensed hearing this and decided I needed to alert our Commander to their plans.
I won't go into how I went about it, but since I was a Milab pilot I kind of 'borrowed' a craft to fly to my Commander's ship to alert him. Had I not had my undies in a twist, I would've been smart about this and simply telepathied the Commander the information. But I had my undies in a twist so was riled up and not doing the sensible thing.

I was in the cockpit of a disc shaped craft. In front of me was a viewing 'window' that was actually an interior viewing screen not visible on the exterior of the ship.
In front of me was a pewter colored half circular instrument panel. Into this panel were inset small, round, multi colored lights with alien symbols beneath them. They provided the only light in the cockpit.
I had absolutely now clue how I knew to fly this ship so expertly. By all rights I should've crashed and burned but somehow I knew exactly how to fly this ship. One steered the ship by passing their fingertips over these circular lights in specific sequences.
What I remember most vividly was going as fast as I could, knowing if "they" caught on to what I was doing, they'd hunt me down and kill me. In the viewing screen, stars were nothing but streaks of white light as I passed them.
I was so focused on getting to the Commander's ship, I never bothered to look down at what I was wearing. I just knew it was one piece, lightweight and very form fitting.
It would turn out my subconscious was working overtime when I made the sketch for the panel reviewing my case.
The command ship came in view and I remembered hoping they'd realize it wasn't Greys flying at them or I'd be toast. A number of smaller craft came out of the flight deck racing toward me. Apparently they knew who I was as they escorted me safely onto the flight deck of the command ship.
As I exited the ship I was met by a young, blonde guy who looked no more than late teens or early 20's and reminded me of a California surfer. I never gave him a chance to say anything, shoving him out of the way with a rather rude "Outta my way, kid!"
I guess the Commander was on his way to the flight deck as we met halfway, the surfer kid following hot on my heels.
I'd never met the Commander but had heard really good things about him, that he was very appreciative of and good to his crew.
I told him of the plans I'd overheard.
He stared at me a moment before he yelled "ARE YOU TRYING TO GET YOURSELF KILLED WOMAN, PULLING A STUNT LIKE THAT?!!"
I was completely taken aback. Here I'd risked life and limb to get him this intel and THIS is how he thanks me?
"You're welcome A**HOLE!" I shouted over my shoulder, stomping back to the flight deck in a huff.
'Go escort her back safely, please" the Commander said to the surfer kid, who fell into step behind me.
"I got here on my own, I can get back on my own, thank you very much!" whereupon Surfer Kid headed back toward the Commander.
"No, you go escort her back safely," the Commander instructed Surfer Kid, who rushed to once again catch up with me.
"I don't need any damn escort!" I snapped, sending Surfer Kid back toward the Commander.
And there poor Surfer Kid was, bouncing back and forth between the two of us like a tennis ball at Wimbledon. in the end, he did end up escorting me back simply because I felt bad for him being bounced back and forth as he was.
When making my sketch I did not know the Galactic Confederation of Worlds even existed, much less that they wore royal blue compression suits. Yet this is what I drew myself wearing.
I'd described to the panel how to steer this ship, having no idea how I knew this.
Below is the instrument panel from the crashed Grey ship at Roswell. Note the circular little lights with the fingertips poised over them - exactly how I'd told the panel this ship was operated.

I'd also drawn myself standing while flying that ship. This made no sense at first in that ships have seats. That mystery was cleared up when a documentary on Area 51 aired and a guy who'd worked on backengineering alien craft said the Grey ships had small seats, designed to fit the small Greys. I would not have fit in those small seats so had drawn myself standing.
In hindsight, I have to laugh at the entire incident. Yup, Jmmanuel had been the Commander but I'd never seen him as himself so had no idea who he was. LOL
Apparently me getting my butt shot off wasn't in his Divine Plan, which explained his "ARE YOU TRYING TO GET YOURSELF KILLED, WOMAN?!!"
There were a few battles raging up there at the time.