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During the years I was Illuminati targeted, things were so bad it was all I could do to keep my head above water and face another day of targeting.

Little did I know I was about to discover the power of the Angelics.


I'd read a book about angels and it said if you call an angel for a specific purpose, one will respond. I didn't quite believe that...but it certainly wouldn't hurt anything to try it.


We'd been financially bankrupted and could barely afford to put food on the table so hubby didn't take too kindly to me spending $20 every week to play Bingo. But it was the only thing that kept me sane during that time. I never won, which just made that $20 more of a waste of money in hubby's eyes.


I asked for an angel that would simply allow me to have fun so I could deal with being targeted. Immediately a little boy appeared holding lambs, a little shepherd. His face reminded me of a Hummel figurine. I called him Oliver. I'm not sure why since I'm not at all fond of the name Oliver...but that's what I called him.


At the next Bingo game I went to, I asked Oliver just to let me have fun. I won $2800.

When I got home that night, hubby once again asked sarcastically "So how much did you win?" I pulled out a wad of bills and said "$2800" and I began counting the bills out in his hand as his eyes grew to the size of dinner plates. I gave him half my winnings. He never bugged me about going to Bingo after that.


Each time I played and asked Oliver to let me have fun, I'd win. Time and time again. Maybe there was something to this angel business!


The following week we attended a Packer party at our friend's bar. The raffle prize was a basket full of Packer goodies. Hubby had only bought one ticket and the drum of tickets was 3/4's full. "I'd sure love to win that basket but I only bought one ticket so no chance of that!" hubby said.
"You're going to win the basket," I told him. I'd asked Oliver to let him have fun.


Mike rolled the drum, reached in and drew out the ticket..
"And the winner is....John Jackson!"


He was over the moon he'd won. "How did you know I'd win?" he asked me.
"I asked Oliver to let you have fun," I said.
"Who's Oliver?"


So I explained who Oliver was. I could see the wheels turning in John's head.
"Do you think Oliver would let me have fun?"
"Ask him," I suggested. "He just let you have fun winning that Packer basket."


The following day we went to a friend's bar down the street from us to help him install some new kitchen fans. When we were finished, John sat down at one of the gambling machines and put $5 in the slot. He won the $800 jackpot. He moved to another machine and put another $5 in - and won another $600.

"Hey, this Oliver thing really works!" he whispered to me.


Of course, we donated half our winnings to charity to pay Oliver back. 


A couple of weeks later I went to a different Bingo game. My aunt had given me one of her Hummel statues that looked like the little shepherd boy and I had it sitting on the table in front of me. I asked Oliver to let me have fun and won 4 games before intermission.


"Boy, you sure are lucky!" the woman sitting across from me remarked.
"Oh, it's not me," I explained. "It's my Bingo angel, Oliver."
She wanted to know all about Oliver so I told her about him.
"Do you think Oliver would let me win a game?" she asked.
"I can ask him," I said.


She came within one number of winning the next game.
"Well at least I finally came close," she smiled. "Thank Oliver for me."

"Oh that's not the game he's going to have you win," I said. "You're going to win the next game."

She won the next game.


There was a group of obviously wealthy people sitting at the other end of our table. They'd been talking about how they were about to go to gamble in Vegas. One of these women came over, grabbed my Hummel statue and began rubbing it like she expected a genie to pop out of it.
"Tell your angel to let me win the jackpot so I have more money to gamble with in Vegas," she demanded. 


She rubbed me the wrong way. I said to her "You're not going to win the jackpot." I scanned the crowd and pointed to an elderly gentleman sitting by himself. "He's going to win the jackpot," I said.


​He won the jackpot.


As I was leaving he came up to me. "That woman sitting across from you told me what you and your angel did for me. I just wanted to thank you both. My wife is in hospice, tomorrow is her birthday and because of all the medical bills I didn't have money to buy her a present. Thanks to you and your angel now I can buy her a gift."


I pulled my winnings out of my pocket and handed them to him. "Buy your wife a nice gift on Oliver and I," I said.

The man had tears in his eyes as I walked out. I felt good being able to help him and knew I had done what Oliver would've wanted me to do.


Many years later it suddenly clicked in my mind why Oliver had looked like a little shepherd boy. I said to Jmmanuel "You were Oliver, weren't you?"

He grinned and replied "BINGO!"

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