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I found myself standing in a forest clearing near my home in the very early morning hours. Beside me was another Milab who said her name was Joanne. She said she recognized me from previous Milab abductions and called me by name, but I didn't recognize her.


As we stood there, we saw a ship slowly approaching us. Joanne immediately went into a panic, yelling "DON'T LET THEM ABDUCT US! DON'T LET THEM ABDUCT US AGAIN!"
Whoever was in that ship were friendlies. They were telepathically transmitting their entire history to me so fast it felt as though my head were about to explode.


I tried to reassure Joanne they were not here to abduct us, but she was already too hysterical to comprehend what I was trying to tell her.


The ship was now hovering over our heads. Whoever was aboard told me they were going to trance Joanne and bring her up into the ship to perform healing on her. Joanna immediately went into a trance. A beam of light came down from beneath the ship and floated Joanne up into the ship. Then it was my turn. The beam of light came down over me and I found myself floating through the air and up into the ship. It was not at all frightening, I actually found it kind of stimulating.

Once aboard, I found I could not stand up straight, the ship having been designed for its much smaller occupants. They immediately telepathically raised the ceiling so I could stand upright. 


I had no idea who these beings were but I immediately loved them. They were built like the Greys, similar in build and stature. Their facial features were slightly more human and they had long, elongated heads. Their skin was an aqua bluish color and they had no hair anywhere on their bodies.


Both wore long white robes with stand up collars. One had red geometrics on his collar so I knew he was a Commander.

arcutran with ship.png
© E Denaan

One could feel love emanating from their bodies. They'd already explained to me via their telepathically transmitted history that they had been helping terrestrial humans behind the scenes for 4,000 years.


The Commander explained he'd wanted to meet with me in order to ask me a question: Did I think Terrans were ready for ET contact?
I could feel he wanted the answer to be "yes" but I wasn't about to lie to him. I told him "They might be with a race that looks exactly like themselves like the Alpha Centaurians. But in no way are they ready for contact with ET's that don't look human."


The Commander thanked me for my honesty and then offered to take me to his command ship for healing. I'd been very sick in the 4 days before this encounter so was more than happy to take the Commander up on his offer. We set out for his command ship.

Arcturan starship.jpg

And what a ship it was! The ship was a LIVING BIOLOGICAL ENTITY IN ITSELF. The minute you stepped aboard, the ship and I became one. It was monitoring my thoughts, my vital signs...not in any intrusive way but to adjust my mind and body to be completely comfortable while aboard. 

The ship was beautifully decorated, even being what we'd call "carpeted" with art work hanging on the walls.


The Commander took me to their healing bay. It resembled a padded cell one might find in a mental institution. I was instructed to just stand in the middle of this room and my healing would only take a few seconds.


Suddenly I was bathed in different pastel colors accompanied by what sounded a bit like musical tones. In under 30 seconds the healing was done and I felt better than I had in months!


The healing complete, the ET's returned Joanne and I to the forest clearing. I have no memory of walking back to my house but I knew I had because I had wet blades of grass stuck all over my feet. I'd mown the lawn the day before and there was a heavy dew that morning. 


I still had no idea who these ET's were so called Jmmanuel.
"Who were those guys?' I asked.
All he'd say were "The Wise Ones", knowing I learned more when I did my own research. As soon as I saw an illustration of an Arcturan, I knew who they'd been. They were indeed known as the Wise Ones, they were the master healers of the cosmos, they had indeed worked behind the scenes with humanity for 4,000 years and they were telepathic whizzes able to transmit 100 times faster than our brains can comprehend. No wonder my head had felt like it was about to explode!


One of my panel members happened to be online that morning. I messaged him about what I'd just experienced. 

"Oh WOW!" he said. "It's really rare anyone gets physically visited by the Arcturans! Usually they only communicate telepathically with people here!"


I'd come to have a lot more contact with the Arcturans in the years ahead. They work very closely with the Angelics, being the ET race most like the Angelics.

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