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Back in the day my home in the Northwoods was a favorite hideout of several notorious 1930's gangsters - John Dillinger and his gang and Al Capone among them.


My friend, Julee from Australia came to visit, she and her mom were both always interested in Dillinger. When I told her Dillinger and his gang had their shootout with the FBI just down the road from me, Julee wanted to go see Little Bohemia.


It's also where Johnny Depp filmed segments of the film, Public Enemies.


Since it was too early in the afternoon to have dinner (Little Bohemia is now a supper club) we decided we'd just stop and have a drink at the bar. Julee seated herself at the bar while I made a pit stop in the restroom.


Like myself, Julee is a psychic medium.


I came out of the restroom to find Julee running in a panic toward me.

'Where was Dillinger shot? Where was he shot?" she demanded.
"In the back, why?"
"Sis, we need to get out of here! I've got Dillinger and my back is KILLING ME!"


So back to the car. Little Bohemia has a very long driveway with a gated entrance. As we're driving down this driveway, Julee suddenly shouts "SIS! DILLINGER IS IN THE BACK SEAT!'

I looked in the rear view mirror and sure enough, there sat Dillinger.



"I suppose ask him what he wants," I chuckled.
"He says he's looking for his girlfriend, Mary. What do I do?!"
"Call Mary forward I suppose..."

With that, a woman appeared in the back seat next to Dillinger.

'Thank you ma'am," Dillinger said, tipping his hat to Julee. "If there's anything I can ever do for you just call on me."


With that the two of them disappeared. I couldn't help but laugh at Julee's panic at having the spirit of a gangster follow her and soon we were both laughing at this rather bizarre and unexpected turn of events.


When we got back to my house my neighbor, Robin happened to be outside so Julee went over to say hi and related to Robin what had just happened. 

As it turned out, Robin's grandmother, Fern had known Dillinger personally. She'd been his favorite waitress at Little Bohemia so always asked for her and tipped her $100 each time she waited on him. (A lot of $$ in those days...but I suppose if you rob banks for a living...)

Fern described Dillinger as always being very nice to her and said he was extremely well mannered. She said if you did something for him he'd repay the favor.


Imagine our surprise to discover Dillinger DID have a girlfriend named Mary!
No one called her Mary though...she was known as "Billie". Her real full name was Mary Evelyn Freschette. (Left)


Although it's now a supper club, Little Bohemia has kept everything as it was at the time of Dillinger's shootout with

dillingers mary.avif

the FBI, right down to all of the bullet holes. Dillinger's room has been kept the same as the day he left it and hightailed it into the surrounding woods to escape the FBI.

Lions & Tigers and BEARS...OH MY!

Jmmanuel can have a wicked sense of humor and he wasn't above pranking Julee and I during her visit. 
Julee, being used to little koala bears, was TERRIFIED of running into one of our black bears. Robin and I explained to her over and over she had nothing to fear from our bears, the odds of her even seeing one were slim to none.


We were driving back from a boat dinner cruise and were on our way through St. Germain when Julee again brought up the subject of our bears.
I said to her "OMG! Would you knock it off! You have a better chance of getting hit by lightning than seeing a bear. You only have to be afraid of one of our bears if she has cubs with her!"


I'd no sooner gotten that out of my mouth than what comes charging out of the woods on the side of the highway?

Julee's now SCREAMING "DRIVE FASTER SIS! DRIVE FASTER!" as she tries to climb into my lap as I'm driving. Instead, I slowed the car down and asked her if she wanted me to get out and a take a photo of the bears for her. Which sent her into even more of a panic.


And then I heard Jmmanuel just cackling away. I guess the dude can even orchestrate bears to do what he wants them to. The timing couldn't have been more precise. LOL

Julee's parting shot to me as she boarded her flight back to Australia was "I wish now I'd have had you stop and take pictures of those bears for me!"

The Doves


Due to the cabal's constant surveillance on me, Jmmanuel and I came up with some clever ways to sidestep that surveillance. There were times when we had to go silent with one another for one reason or another so he came up with the idea of my mourning doves to signal to me we had to go incommunicado for awhile.


A pair of mourning doves would appear in my yard and they made an appearance while Julee was visiting me from Australia. We were having coffee one morning while watching these two doves...and Julee launched into an impromptu comedy routine after she noticed these two doves interacted just like Jmmanuel and I did with one another. She named the doves "Naz" and "Gracie".


As we watched, the two doves were just hanging around my front yard together. Suddenly the male dove took off to parts unknown, leaving the female alone. Eventually I guess she got tired of waiting for the male dove to return and took off herself.

The male dove returned and was obviously looking for the female. I had a huge garden planter and he was roaming between the veggie leaves, obviously looking for the female. I had made garden wood veggie planters with faces painted on them. The male stop, looks up at the tomato plant stake face...Julee's doing a whole running commentary on this and says "You're not Gracie" as the male is looking up at the tomato stake face.

The female returns, the male spots her, he goes striding up this hill...
Naz dove: "Come on Gracie, we have work to do!"
Gracie dove running up the hill to catch up with him: "I'm coming Naz!"


I know it loses something in the retelling...but we were both laughing so hard we couldn't even drink our coffee. Julee had the whole comedy routine imitating us down pat.


When I moved away to my new house, the doves didn't come with me. Jmmanuel and I didn't need them anymore...but I kind of missed them. I was sitting on my deck one morning and I said to Jmmanuel "Could you bring our doves back one last time so I can see them?"

At that INSTANT two mourning doves flew into a tree right in front of me and perched there for a couple of minutes.


Then they flew off and I've never seen them since.

A Visit With Santa


After having been bankrupted by the cabal there were times I had to rely on food from our local food bank, which was run by my friend Pam. At Christmas, the local churches would take turns sponsoring a Christmas dinner for all of us. 

That Christmas I'd just been diagnosed with Lyme Disease as had several of us, including Pam's daughter who was a Olympic silver medalist in judo. The prayer at the start of the meal would always be for a specific cause and that year it was Lyme Disease.


Pam and I were chatting before the dinner and she mentioned Santa would be making an appearance to hand out a gift to each of the children present since they'd likely not get a whole lot under the Christmas tree. Santa was going to be played by a minister friend of Pam's.


As I watched, I noticed this Santa was just terrific with the kids. I decided I'd get in line just to go up and thank him for doing this for the kids.

It would come to be the WEIRDEST visit with Santa I'd ever experienced!


As my turn came, I kind of chuckled and said to Santa "Don't worry, I'm not going to sit in your lap."
Santa leaned back, cocked his head to the side and smiled the STRANGEST though we were sharing some private joke with one another.
"I just wanted to come up and thank you for doing this for the kids," I continued.


Beside Santa was a box of candy canes. He'd grab a candy cane from this box and hand one to each child with their gift. As I stood there, he put his hand into the box and grabbed as many candy canes as his hand could hold. He made sure I saw him do this.
Then he dropped them all and handed me one candy cane.

"Thank you," I said. "And thanks again for doing this for the kids."


I began to walk away.


"Wait!" Santa called to me. "You haven't told me what you want for Christmas! Come back and whisper it in my ear."


Whisper it in his ear??? He hadn't had any of the kids whisper it in his ear. What the heck? But i went up to him and whispered "A cure for Lyme Disease for everyone would be nice."


He smiled from ear-to-ear at me.


Back at my table something was nagging at me. That Santa had seemed SO FAMILIAR to me somehow but I couldn't place how. And then the light bulb came on. 
THE EYES! There was only one person I knew of that had eyes that color blue. It couldn't be! Could it?


I jumped up and ran through the entire hall looking for Santa but he'd left.


I went up to Pam and said "I know this is going to sound really odd...but what color eyes does your minister friend that played Santa have?"
"Brown. Why?"


Years later I said to Jmmanuel "That was you at that food bank Christmas dinner, wasn't it?"

He smiled and replied "HO! HO! HO!"

The Throne Room

It's not at all uncommon for me to get a message I'm being brought to the ship because Jmmanuel needs something from me. So I didn't give it a second thought when I got such a message one evening.


Suddenly I found myself I didn't know where! I was in a gianormous room that one knew was a room but at the same time, was like walking through space.

At the far end of this room sat 3 thrones, the middle throne larger than the other two. Jmmanuel sat in the right hand throne, lit up like a fricken Christmas tree.




He got up and began walking toward me. "There's someone I want you to meet."


"Where the hell am I?!!"

"The throne room."

I didn't even want to know...

"Go up to the thrones and have a seat," he instructed.


I didn't want to know just WHOSE throne room but I wasn't about to take any chances and plop my peon butt in one of those thrones! So I sat on the step at the bottom of the middle throne.


Suddenly a HUGE mass of absolutely overwhelming, unconditionally loving energy appeared in the middle throne. It began to form into a pair of huge feet, then legs to the knee and up to the waist. From there up it was hidden by a cloud. I'm in complete shock.


"Hello Grace, child" a by now familiar voice said.

"OH MY GOD!" I involuntarily gasped.
The voice chuckled and said "Well yes...some people do call me that."


Yeah, it was the Creator Source. It is not a he or a she, it is a genderless energy mass with consciousness - although it will take whatever form is most comfortable to you.
Not only is it unconditionally loving and unconditionally forgiving, it has one hell of a sense of humor.

We spoke for over an hour. It allowed me to ask any questions I wanted and it answered every question I had without hesitation and in a very forthright manner. It was like talking to your father and bestie at the same time. ​


​Our talk ended far too soon for my liking. I will say this...

One of the questions I asked was "Do you talk to people on earth?"
It said of course it did. Why would it not speak to or with the very souls it had created?
Good point! 

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