The Mexico Mission took place in 2011, after I'd escaped the military deep black projects. It will show you how the Angelic forces work quietly behind the scenes here on earth's surface.
I'd had the living snot beat out of me by the cabal and hadn't had a vacation in over 20 years and decided it was time for me to take a vacation. I'd made all of the arrangements, booking a cruise to Roatan to do some scuba diving.
At least those were my plans until Jmmanuel came to me and said "I need you to do something with me."
"Sure...what you need?" I asked.
"I need you to cancel your trip to Roatan and go to Mexico instead. And I want you to take your niece with you."
"WHAT?!! But I already have all the arrangements made!"
"I know but I wouldn't ask you if it wasn't important," he insisted.
After everything he'd done for me I was in no position to say no to him...so I cancelled my Roatan trip and began making arrangements for my niece and I to travel to Mexico.
Back then, Jmmanuel and I had a website the cabal watched like hawks. Jmmanuel instructed me to set a trap for the cabal on this website. I was to publish the dates of our trip and that Jmmanuel was physically going to join me in Mexico.
Jmmanuel had said he'd pave the way for our Mexico travel arrangements and boy did he! Dude should've been a travel agent! He installed us at a 4 star all inclusive luxury resort that was also a scuba diving resort. I paid less than half price for our accommodations and got a $1500 (like cash) resort credit on top of it. Our room was a seaside suite, complete with in room hot tub, fully stocked bar and 24/7 valet service.​

He'd also told me "All cabal eyes will be on you down there." While I had no worries about my own welfare, I began to have second thoughts about taking my niece along, as my sister would kill me if I let any harm come to her and all hell had begun breaking loose when the cabal read Jmmanuel himself would be meeting up with us down there.
My niece on our suite balcony
The members of our Christ Command here immediately came under unrelenting severe demonic attack. In addition, some of them had government cars with blacked out windows parked in front of their residences and following them everywhere they went.

For the first time in history, the cabal government shut down all public viewing of space, threatening them with imprisonment if they were caught viewing space.
Then it was leaked from within the military that Obama had secretly sent troops to Syria in an attempt to start WW3. This report was later confirmed as being legitimate.
Then FEMA issued rush orders for Region 3.
Region 3 contains Washington D.C. the cabal's most occult capitol in the world, from which they planned to launch their New World Order. What were they so hurriedly preparing for?
These emergency orders included things like:
FEMA purchase orders for over $14.2 million for MREs and heater meals to be delivered to Region III by October 1st;
FEMA purchase orders for 22 million pouches of emergency water to be delivered to region III by October 1st;
2800 MRAPs must be delivered to DHS by October 1st;
No leave for any military personnel from Oct. 2nd to Nov. 5th.
Nine-week training course for UN Peacekeepers in CONUS to learn Urban Warfare, English, and US weapons systems for 386,000 troops to be completed by October 1st;
United States National Guard will complete riot control and disaster assistance training by September 30th. Source
The very odd thing about these orders were that they coincided precisely with the days of our trip - Sept. 28th through Oct. 5th.
When they began spawning the hurricanes with HAARP I began to have second thoughts about taking my niece along. Endangering my own life was one thing, endangering hers quite another.
One hit the Yucatan where over 130 people were killed and another was brewing in the Gulf off the coast of Florida, directly in our flight path. By this time I knew the cabal was behind all of this so contacted our Council.
What follows is a copy of a transcript of that conversation...
Me: They're spawning these hurricanes with HAARP to prevent Jmmanuel and I from meeting up.
Council: We have been monitoring energy disturbances in earth's ionosphere that lead us to believe they are once again manipulating the weather.
Me: To prevent me from getting to Mexico, right?
Council: They are desperate but their efforts will be in vain. However, be prepared for an extended stay.
Me: How long of an extended stay?
Council: Until it's safe for you to return. Know that we will not allow any harm to come to the two of you.
Between trying to protect the inner circle from the demonic attacks and getting all of the Mexico trip arrangements made I was rushing around in a frenzy. I didn't have much contact with Jmmanuel during this period as he was also extremely busy.
We'd developed a method of sidestepping their surveillance on us using music containing "codes" between us. He sent me the following video but I was so busy I didn't pay much attention to it. Note the Spanish music.
I should've paid attention to what he was confessing to, for I would've known what was going on. As it was, I didn't learn the whole story until a couple months after returning from Mexico.
"All cabal eyes will be on the two of you while you're down there".
We were his decoys.
All eyes were on us. In fact, after we'd been installed in our suite it wasn't yet dinner time so we decided to have a drink and relax on the balcony. Suddenly, my niece said "Aunt Pat! Look!"
Here came a USO glidling slowly toward us. It looked exactly like the one below.

On the other side of our balcony railing was a ledge about 5' wide. Had we stood on that ledge, this USO came so close to us we could've reached out and touched it. It hovered directly in front of us for at least 3 minutes - until I flipped its crew the bird to let them know, yes we see you watching us and you don't scare us. We know you have eyes on us!
Not so coincidentally, it had been arranged we'd meet Jmmanuel at 10 a.m. the next morning.
Once I flipped it the bird, the USO headed slowly off then appeared to disappear into thin air. Our suite was right above a huge infinity pool filled with resort guests. Not a one of them seemed to notice this USO right above their heads. To this day, my niece talks about seeing that USO.

Our suite
The next morning Jmmanuel was a no show. He'd always shown up before when he was going to so I knew something was up that he was a no show.
Later that afternoon my niece was down at the pool when he popped into our suite, quickly putting his finger to his lips to tell me SHHHH! He stayed only long enough to see he was wearing military desert camo - which he'd never done before. But I wouldn't connect those dots until a couple of months later...that he'd gone to Syria to stop the Loserfarians from starting WW3.
Although disappointed he didn't show, we weren't about to let that ruin our vacation.
We were talking about visiting Chichen Itza but I figured I should ask Jmmanuel about that.
"NO! DON'T GO NEAR THE PYRAMIDS! NOT SAFE!" came his urgent reply. We were somewhat mystified about this but took his advice and stayed away from the pyramids.
The morning we were to fly home, Cozumel got hit with a fierce tropical storm after 10 days of absolutely beautiful sunny weather. Just as the Council had predicted, we nearly ended up extending our stay in Cozumel due to our plane very narrowly getting off the ground. As it was, we had to divert our flight path around Hurricane Karen, which was not coming inland in Florida but we arrived home safely as the Council had promised.
It wasn't until a couple months after returning home that he revealed the entire mission to me.
Pyramids are ET constructed power plants, used to refuel ships among other things. You can see one doing this in the Chichen Itza photo taken by a tourist below.

Ship refueling

Most people don't realize Lucifer himself was here on the planet's surface in a physical body (at right) but spent most of his time hiding out in the DUMBS being the coward he is
The EM grid that covers earth is the lifeforce of the planet and is comprised of positive energy. Were that grid to be flipped to negative energy, every living thing on earth would be dead within 2 months' time.
This is what the Loserfarians were attempting to do - flip that EM grid to negative energy, using the pyramids to do so.The

One pyramid power plant wouldn't be enough to do this. But by linking the power of several pyramids together it could be accomplished. This is what the Loserferians were attempting to do. Look at the map below. My niece and I were on the island of Cozumel, safely out of the line of fire. The blue lines on the map show the pyramids the Loserferians were attempting to link together into one big power plant to flip the grid to negative energy.

And while Snakey's (Lucifers) forces were busy trying to flip the grid, Lucifer had 3 of his unwitting New Agers (one of them a PhD!) down there conducting a satanic ritual for them - his attempt to access the higher dimensions he can't get into. Which he was blocked from doing.
Why had I asked Jmmanuel if my niece and I should go to Chichen Itza?
Because Snakey had set the stage for their faked Second Coming there way back in 1961! Yes, Snakey was calling himself "Sananda-Jesus".
The following year I was sent to the Hawaiian Islands for the same reason.
Having failed to link the pyramids in Mexico to flip the grid, they attempted it again in the Hawaiian Islands.
By being Jmmanuel's decoy, it kept all cabal eyes on me so our forces could slip in and unlink all the pyramids the Loserferians has linked to flip the grid, effectively killing earth.
And Jmmanuel successfully stopped them from starting WW3 in Syria at the same time.
There was a wonderful surprise postscript to this story...

It had always been #1 on my bucket list to swim with dolphins - apart from Project Seagate.
I was celebrating my birthday down in Cozumel so had booked a dolphin swim for my niece, Jmmanuel and I to attend. I was really disappointed when I knew he wouldn't be joining us for this swim. He more than made up for that fact.
Normally there were 12 people in one of these dolphin swims. Before leaving for Mexico, Jmmanuel had told me "The dolphins are excited you're coming. Mamas will bring their babies to you and while you're in the pool with them they'll perform healing on you." I told my niece all of this but the healing part.
We arrived at the dolphinarium to be met by a guide who had a name that had special meaning to my niece and I. When she introduced herself to us my niece and I looked at each other and laughed, saying "It's an Jmmanuel sign!"
We were taken to a pool they NEVER allowed guests to swim in - the nursery pool containing the mama dolphins and their babies. Mamas brought their babies to me just as Jmmanuel had said they would.

We didn't have any 12 people in the pool with us. We had a PRIVATE 2 hour swim that went twice pas the hour it was supposed to last. No, they didn't know it was my birthday until well into the swim.
Apparently the dolphins were excited to see me as Jmmanuel had said they were.
Electra chattered the entire time I was interacting with her, which kind of freaked her trainer out. He said he'd never seen her do that before with anyone else.

And the healing Jmmanuel had told me they'd do, that I hadn't mentioned to my niece?
I'd been limping in a lot of pain all week due to my bad hip. We were walking back to the resort when my niece said "Aunt Pat, I feel so WEIRD! Like I'm super energized and have this tingling all over my body!"
My pain upon getting out of that pool was completely gone and I'd quit limping.
That beautiful man had orchestrated the dolphin swim of my life and to this day it remains the best birthday present I've ever received.