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If I thought Jmmanuel had spun my head in 360's with his 'cast of characters' to date, I hadn't seen nothin' yet. Enter Lincoln or "Linc" as I came to call him.


It all started innocently enough. My psychic friends were gathered in a chatroom, just relaxing and talking about nothing in particular. Among them was my South African friend, Mike who was a very gifted psychic medium. 

Suddenly Mike said "Patty, I have someone here with a message for you."
"OK, who is it?"
"Some American dude."
"Well, that sure narrows the field down!" I laughed. "Can ya be a bit more specific Mike?"

"Says his name is Abe."


I scanned my data banks and couldn't think of anyone in spirit I knew named Abe.

Mike continued "Says you wrote a report about him in 6th grade and when you went to visit him you were eating a red lolly and tried to sit in his lap."


OH HOLY CHIT! I'd never told a living soul about trying to sit in his lap! And I had been eating a red Tootsie Roll Pop at the time!
There was no way Mike could know this! 


What in the hell was going on?

I decided it must be one of Mike's practical jokes he was constantly pulling. Mike was sick with terminal cancer so if this was another of his jokes I was willing to play along if it brought a smile to his face.

"UH...HUH. You're telling me you have ABRAHAM LINCOLN with a message for me?"
"I dunno, some American dude. Who's Abraham Lincoln?"


The group of us explained to Mike who Lincoln was.

"Oh," Mike replied, sounding rather sheepish. "He's nodding yes."
"I see...and pray tell what does Abe want of me?"
"He says an important letter he wrote was lost. He wants to dictate this letter to you."

I was then to send this letter to the National Archives according to "Abe".


"Uh huh...and tell them what exactly? That THE dead ABRAHAM LINCOLN dictated this letter to me from beyond the grave and instructed I was to send it to you guys?"
"He says that proof of what you've written is legitimate will be revealed."


OK, Mike had had his fun. Time to pull the plug on this practical joke.
"Well, you tell Abe I don't do automatic writing so I'll pass."


Silly me, thinking that put an end to the "joke". Far from it.

"Abe" then went around the room to each of my friends, telling him or her something Mike couldn't have possibly known about them. Leaving us all in shock. And Mike himself changed as "Abe" did this! He was no longer speaking like Mike! 

"Abe" launched into the most eloquent speech any of us had ever heard about our Civil War and (quote) "Men's blood being spilled in the sand." He warned us that if we didn't learn from history we were doomed to repeat it. By the time "Abe" finished this speech there wasn't a dry eye among us. And only then did we remember that day was the 4th of July - Independence Day.


Now I was realizing this hadn't been one of Mike's jokes. But it was too late, "Abe" had left the house.

A couple of days later I ran into Mike and asked him if the whole incident had been one of his practical jokes. He swore up and down it wasn't. He was so embarrassed that he hadn't known who Lincoln was that "some American dude" became a standing joke between us.
Sadly, Mike passed away the following year and over time I forgot about the whole thing. 


Until July, 2007. 


Hubby and I were eating dinner while watching the TV news. Suddenly the news anchor announced "A lost letter written by President Abraham Lincoln has just been discovered in the National Archives..."


Hubby had to dive over our dining table to perform the Heimlich maneuver on me as I'd just swallowed the food in my mouth whole upon hearing that announcement. 
"Abe" had said that proof of what I'd written was legitimate would be revealed...and here it was right smack in my face!

Lincoln letter.webp

And there's an actual copy of that lost letter, signed by Lincoln.


Here's the story from the Natl. Archives own archives.

I now realize I've screwed up BIG TIME in basically telling "Abe" to take his lost letter and stick it.
And I can't even begin to imagine what the karmic ramifications of this one might be!


But there's no turning back the clock to perform a redo. So now what?
By this time the Loserferian cabal was already threatening to start a second Civil War in America. And I was saddled with the thought What if I'd just done as he asked, could I have prevented that second Civil War?

I felt like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders, imagining I could have possibly prevented that from happening. All I kept hearing in my head was that phrase "men's blood spilled in the sand" and Abe's warning about if we don't learn from history we're doomed to repeat it.


The only thing I could do at that point was apologize for thinking the whole thing had been a practical joke. So I telepathically put it out there, "Abe if you can hear me, I'm sorry I blew you off as one of Mike's practical jokes" and hoped that he heard me.

In the next instant, I heard a soft male voice respond "That's ok love. You didn't know."


"Do I dare ask if this is you again?" I questioned, very sheepishly.
"It is. But I know how you like your proof, Patricia. Go to a website about me and look at the pictures. And by the way, call me Lincoln. I never liked the name Abraham and everyone called me Lincoln." Poof, he was gone.


These instructions seemed rather odd...but I was in no position to screw up again. I did what I was told. I pulled up a website about Lincoln and this is the first thing I saw:

he hath loved our nationj.jpg

OH...MY...GOD. This guy doesn't fool around! He being dead yet speaketh?!!!
Not only that, I found a blurb that said he did not like being called Abraham and that even his wife called him Lincoln - as he'd just told me. My mind is now something akin to Jello. The brain train has jumped the tracks.


Without thinking, I yelled "HEY! GET YOUR PRESIDENTIAL A** BACK HERE!"

Laughter, gales of laughter followed by "You don't need to shout, love. I'm dead not deaf." (Duly noted)


"Why did you come to ME about that lost letter?" I asked.
"Because we share a bond."

"What bond?"

'You're a smart cookie. You'll figure it out." Poof, he was gone again.


I went all the way back to my childhood searching for this bond. When I was 4 or 5 years old, my dad had taken me to visit Lincoln's Springfield home. The tour guide lead us into a room that was now decorated like a parlor.

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The tour guide was about to continue her spiel when I blurted out "Eddie died in here!"

Every eye in the room turned to look at me and to say the tour guide was shocked would be an understatement.
"Yes, he did," she said. "But how did you know that?"
"He just told me. This used to be his bedroom he died in."


Yes, I always felt I had a connection to Lincoln but many people liked him. There had to be something more to it.


After a couple of weeks of trying to figure out what this bond was, I decided to try something. I told my Australian psychic friend nothing about any of this and asked if she'd be willing to communicate with someone for me without knowing who she was communicating with? She agreed to try it.

"Oh Sis, this man has wonderful energy!" she began.

Well she'd gotten his energy right and that he was male.

"Ask him what the bond is," I instructed.
"Sis, did he have sons?"
"4 of them. Why?"
"He's saying you're the second and showing me a baker?"

Scraps of paper were flying around me as I scrambled to find the piece I'd written his second son's name on. Eddie BAKER Lincoln.

"Wait...are you telling me I'm the reincarnation of his son Eddie?!" I gasped.
"Yup, that's what he's telling you. Oh Sis, he's laughing so hard at the look on your face right now!" (Yeah, I bet he was)


Did I buy into that being the case? Nope. Not right away anyway.


"Sis, who do I have here that I'm talking with?"
"You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you."
"Try me..."
"Abraham Lincoln."


Long pause..."Oh. Wasn't he one of your American presidents or something?"

I guess the Australians knew just slightly more than the South Africans when it came to LIncoln.


So being the skeptic I am, I set out to DISPROVE I was the reincarnation of Eddie Lincoln, even going so far as to consult another very well known psychic - without telling her anything about the reincarnation of Eddie Lincoln business. What does she come out with?
"You're the reincarnation of Eddie Lincoln!"


Well that hadn't gone as planned but I still wasn't ready to concede I was the reincarnation of Eddie Lincoln.

I sat down and began making out a list of what I intended to be dis-similarities between myself and the Lincolns, especially Eddie.


Very little is known about Eddie since he died just shy of his 4th birthday. But I was astounded to discover that Eddie's and my 

lives mirrored each other nearly precisely! Right down to our mothers (both named Mary) refusing to let us adopt stray cats we found - until our fathers stepped in and let us adopt the cats against our mothers' wishes.  The synchronicities between Eddie and myself were mind boggling.


At nearly 4 years old, Eddie had died of tuberculosis. At the same age, I'd nearly died of pneumonia - another lung ailment. 

When I was Eddie's age, my grandparents lived on BAKER Road.

At Eddie's age, I attended LINCOLN School and my dad's practice was above the LINCOLN Pharmacy. The pharmacy was owned by a man name ED Wavro, who treated me like I was his own daughter.


After school I played at LINCOLN Park.


Eddie's favorite candy was black licorice. To this day my fave candy is black licorice.


Long story short, I ended up filling 3 sheets of paper with synchronicities. So much for disproving I was the reincarnation of Eddie Lincoln.

Not that being a reincarnation of Eddie is any big deal. It's just an interesting story.


Linc was about to drop another bombshell in my lap, telling me "Well we are related by blood, you know."
My exact response to him was "Get outta town. You're so full 

baker road house.webp
Baker Road house

of it!"
"Check it out for yourself," he challenged.


As it happened, my husband was a genealogist so i put him to work. Only to discover linc was my 5x great uncle on my mother's side. My mother having grown up in that house on BAKER Road. I finally just threw my hands in the air and admitted defeat.


But Linc still wasn't through. One night my girlfriends and I were having a chick chat when Linc popped in to join us, coming through my friend, Janet White who also died of cancer the following year.


I immediately knew who'd come through to her but kept my mouth shut.


Finally she asked "Patty who is this I have?"
"Ask him," I said.


Lonnnnnnnnnnng pause.



It took us a full 10 minutes to calm Janet down. 
"Wait a minute," she said. "Why would I have Abraham Lincoln coming through for YOU?"
"Ask him."


"You never asked."

I could count on Linc for anything. One very hot summer day hubby and I were driving the 2 hours home from one of his medical appointments when the water pump on our van died. This was in the day before cell phones, we were both disabled and the nearest town was miles away. There we sat on the side of the highway with no one stopping to help.

Finally I said to hubby "OK you're going to think my cheese has slid right off my cracker but there's only one thing left I can think of to do to get us help here."


Not 2 minutes later a LINCOLN County squad car pulled up behind us, phoned for a tow truck and got us to a garage to get the water pump replaced.

linc deputy.webp

My hubby just stared at me dumbfounded and muttered "Jesus Christ, you really DO talk to him!"


When did I try to sit in his lap? While visiting the Lincoln Memorial pre 011 when one could walk right up to the statue. When no one was looking I tried to scale the statue to sit in his lap. Unfortunately, the stone was too slippery to get a foothold so I was unsuccessful in my attempt. 

lincoln memorial.jpg

Eventually Jmmanuel did confess that some of the time it was him coming to me as Linc, but said at other times I had the real Lincoln. The eloquent July 4th speech that "Abe" had sent through Mike was the real Lincoln.

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