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Writer's picturePat Jackson

Why Won't the ET's Contact Me?

I think I get asked this question more than any other question. I'm not sure why everyone seems to be so gung ho on having ET contact...they do have this habit of turning you and your life upside down when they do make contact! It's most definitely a case of be careful what you wish for. Your life will never be the same if and when they do make contact.

There's a simple yet not simple answer for this one: They seek contact with those most like themselves spiritually, those who are open-minded and not afraid to change their belief system as a result of contact with them. That's the simple answer. But many other factors play into them having contact with you. I asked my various ET contacts who they will and won't make contact with. These were their responses:

They look for those who they know can handle contact with them, who don't fear them in any way or will be traumatized by contact with them.

Now you can think you're ready for contact with them because most people have a romanticized version of ET contact in their head. But the reality is is initially a very traumatic experience even for those of us in contact with them. Our 3D brains struggle to come to grips with the fact OMG THEY REALLY DO EXIST! That's only the start of coming to grips with contact. A contactee will very quickly discover the ET's will put one through experiences that are most definitely otherworldly in nature. We quickly learn that what we thought was "reality" isn't reality at all. This is a lot to wrap one's head around and one must be able to do it without falling apart at the seams. They know precisely who is ready and equipped to handle contact and who isn't.

They generally seek out contact with those who are of their own ranks. Just because you believe yourself to be an off planet "Starseed" doesn't mean you actually are! They know who their earthly emissaries are, which of us have the 3rd strand of DNA that is the sole factor in determining if one is from off planet or not. They're rather like Generals commanding an army in being in contact with us. This planetary mess IS a war after all! So they're in contact with their own troops to direct action on the battlefield. They won't contact those they feel have their feet in the wrong camp. Again, we don't make the determination whether we have our feet in the right camp or not - they do! In their eyes, over 80% of humanity currently have their feet in the Luciferian camp and they have no interesting in contacting those people - and won't. They're very adamant on this one. They will not make contact with those who wish contact out of ego, who think contact somehow makes them "special" and/or see them as entertainment for the masses. They contact those who don't take contact out of its proper context - in other words those who know contact in no way makes them better, different or more "special" than anyone else and come to take contact in stride while remaining grounded and their egos in balance. In their eyes, every living being is on equal footing with one another, no one is "better" than anyone else.

Nor will they make any contact with someone who has this attitude:

The aliens fear me and refuse to interact with me, those intergalactic arrogant stuck up assholes can shove themselves up their interstellar assholes, ( FUCK EM)... they can’t do nothing worse than kill me . Hell, I wouldn't want contact with anyone like that myself! He's delusional if he thinks the thousands of years more advanced ET's have any fear of him whatsoever. (Put your raging testosterone away, buddy. LOL)

They look for those who aren't judgmental of others, as they aren't themselves.

This is the one big criticism they have of terrestrial humans - we're too damn judgmental and none of us sit high enough to be judging others. Especially given earthlings are such a hot mess in their eyes. They won't contact those who are successfully savior programmed. One of the reasons they claim they haven't made their physical presence known on Earth is because too many people are savior programmed - especially on the political and religious fronts. They know in our current condition many perceive them as being "saviors" who will come to rescue us. They know were they to do this, they would become Terran babysitters for eternity and they have no desire whatsoever to be Terran babysitters for eternity, They're waiting for us to evolve significantly spiritually before they'll make their physical presence on earth known.

They're waiting for us to grow up.

They look for those willing to spiritually work on themselves vs. engaging in spiritual bypassing. They stated very few people on earth are actually willing to do this so their contact with people here is very limited at the current time - certainly not the amount indicated by groups like the New Agers, Surface Level 'Truthers, followers of the Galactic Federation of Light, etc. Claims of the amount of contact going on are greatly exaggerated according to the ET's themselves - due to consciousness hijacking, implantation of false screen memories, dreamhacking, lack of discernment and the like.

Contact basically comes down to like attracting like and those the ET's know will do the work necessary in spite of extreme hardship to help free humanity from enslavement.

You can most certainly put it out there into the universe that you wish contact...but that's no guarantee you'll get it. Never hurts to ask though...just be sure to have your discernment meter set on high and running 24/7 when you ask. The malevolent ET's look for those seeking contact to prey upon and attach negative entities to.

I should note here that genuine benevolent ET's will always ASK PERMISSION before making contact with you. Each and every time. If you're encountering "ET's" that don't do this, you don't have a genuine benevolent ET in contact with you. If they're inserting themselves into your sleep, your dreams without have a malevolent ET imposter or deep black military masquerading as a "benevolent" ET or are being subjected to consciousness hijacking, dreamhacking or other regressive manipulation.

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