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Writer's picturePat Jackson

Pyramids Unveiled

Ever since my mission to Mexico with Jmmanuel that involved what dark forces were attempting to do with pyramids, I've been more and more fascinated with the pyramids and how they tie into this earth mess overall. And to myself in some instances. The dark forces wish to become the Divine Angelics themselves, to usurp the Angelics in governing the entire cosmos. For this reason, they have imitations of absolutely everything Angelic. If one goes back to the story of the Fall of Lucifer, what did Lucifer threaten "God" with in retaliation for being booted out of the Angelic realm? That he would seize "God's" throne for himself. That's exactly what these Luciferians and dark force entities are in the process of doing. For example, the Angelics do most everything in 3's. They know the spiritual power that number holds. So what did the satanists do? Adopted the sacred numbers of 3, 6, and 9 (among others), put their own demonic twist on what those numbers signify and being quite literally insane, became obsessed with doing things by those numbers believing doing so gives them more demonic power.

Everything the Angelics do is based on sacred geometry because creation itself is sacred geometry.

The pyramids are not only architectural marvels but also repositories of deep mathematical and geometric knowledge that continue to intrigue us. One fascinating aspect is how the ratios of 3/4 and 3/1 appear to be embedded within their design and proportions.

3/4 and the Pyramid's Proportions

When studying the pyramids, particularly the Great Pyramid of Giza, we find that the ratio of 3/4 can be observed in various ways. For instance, if you consider the pyramid's height and the length of the base's side, you might discover that the side length of the base relates to the pyramid's height in a 3/4 ratio. The interesting thing about this ratio is that when you divide 3 by 4, it results in an exact division without decimals, indicating a precise and intentional design. This relationship reflects a harmony that recurs in nature and mathematics, where ratios often represent the balance between different elements.

3/1 and the Pyramid's Angles

Similarly, the 3/1 ratio can be found in the pyramid's angles and the height relative to certain other dimensions. The 3/1 ratio, for example, can be observed in the relationship between the pyramid's total height and the height at which the sloping surface intersects an imagined horizontal line inside the structure. This relationship may also reflect certain geometric principles regarding the distribution of forces and the stability of the structure.

Pi and the Secrets of the Pyramids

Beyond these proportions, it's also noteworthy that the number π (Pi) is often associated with the design of the pyramids. Several researchers and theorists have pointed out that if you divide the pyramid's perimeter by its height, you obtain a number very close to 2π. This suggests that the ancient Egyptians might have understood and utilized this irrational number long before it was formally defined, making the pyramids possible sources for our modern understanding of π.

In many cultures, the circle – which is intrinsically tied to Pi – is considered a sacred and divine shape, symbolizing continuity, unity, and the infinite. Pi, as the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, captures this eternal quality, embodying the infinite in its never-ending decimal expansion. This endlessness mirrors the timeless and boundless nature of the spirit, the universe, and life itself.

Furthermore, the symbol Pi is often associated with the divine proportion or the golden ratio, another mathematical concept that is widely interpreted to represent aesthetic beauty and harmony. This connection underlines the belief that the universe, in all its complexity, is balanced, ordered, and harmonious.

In essence, the spiritual meaning of Pi goes beyond the realm of numbers. It serves as a metaphysical link, a mathematical metaphor for life, connecting the tangible world of mathematics with the intangible world of spirituality, philosophy, and the profound mysteries of existence. Its significance lies in its ability to encapsulate the infinite, the cyclical, and the harmonious in one simple symbol – a testament to the interconnectedness of all things. Isn't it odd then that the Draconian Reptilians branded those of us working with the Angelics with the Pi symbol! At left is my Pi symbol brand, at right is that of an Aussie Milab's Pi symbol Drac scratch but inverted.

I had a photo of this Drac Pi scratch for years, collecting dust on a shelf. I didn't realize the significance of it all that time - until I encountered the Aussie Milab with the same Pi scratch. So at that point I asked Jmmanuel about it. His reply (verbatim): "One mark is not the same as the other. They have recognized you as the highest of the high (Angelic), as one who can move mountains and have branded you as such. They are very afraid of you. They know they can't control you." With that he got a black light and shone it where the Drac had scratched me with this Pi scratch many years before. The Pi scratch had visibly disappeared many years previously...but sure enough, it showed up again under the black light! I was furious and told Jmmanuel to remove it, which he did. But I found it curious he used the word "branded" and I knew I'd seen this branding somewhere before. Then it came to me...I'd worked the Johnny Gosch abduction. Gosch had been abducted into their worldwide pedophile ring as a sex slave to George H.W. Bush. To designate these abductees as their PROPERTY, they too were branded with their own symbol. And like my Pi brand, Johnny's pedophile ring brand had also shown up under black light!

Jmmanuel then explained why my brand was right side up while the Aussie's brand was inverted. Knowing the power the Divine hold, these dark forces are afraid to make a mockery of it, especially the Angelic hierarchy. But they aren't afraid to mock a 'mere soldier' in the Sons of Light army. So as they do with making a mockery of Christian symbols by inverting them, they did the same thing with the Aussie Milab's brand by inverting it. Essentially branding both of us as THEIR PROPERTY, at least in their own warped minds.

The Symbolism of Thirds

The exactness and observability of both 3/4 and 3/1 ratios in the pyramids suggest that the ancient Egyptians had a profound understanding of these proportions and their significance. The numbers three and four, as well as their combinations, hold symbolic meaning in many cultures, and their precise divisibility could reflect an awareness of how these relationships function in both practical and spiritual contexts.

Thus, the pyramids are not just masterpieces of engineering but also manifestations of a deep mathematical and geometric understanding. The ratios of 3/4 and 3/1, along with the mysterious number π, are examples of how these ancient monuments can be seen as encoded representations of universal truths, continuing to influence our understanding of mathematics and architecture even today.

I'd learn from the Angelics that the pyramids serve several functions, but primarily they are like power plants of EM energy used for things like refueling ships as seen in the photo below, taken by a tourist of a ship refueling at the Chichen Itza pyramid.

In my trips to the moon and Mars bases, I'd also be surprised to find pyramids there. The Angelics explained the pyramids are also used to keep an object like a planet in balance.

Knowing then the power contained within the pyramids, is it any wonder the Illuminati made the pyramid their occult symbol?

Interesting when one starts connecting all the dots...

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