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I was in law enforcement working what would ultimately turn out to be Illuminati child abduction, homicide and trafficking cases when I was personally targeted by the shadow government cabal in 2000 for working those cases.


I'd ultimately be abducted into the deep black military top secret projects and its Milab program. I'd later be utilized as an asset in their Project Seagate and SSP.

I'd spend 10 years as a Milab in those projects and the DUMBs until my escape in 2010.
At that point, the cabal had turned my life into utter shambles and I was dealing with multiple life threatening health conditions resulting from my abductions.

I'd encountered the malevolent ET races working in conjunction with our government during my time in the DUMBs. In no way was I prepared for what happened subsequent to my escape from the deep black military and their alien counterparts.
My life turned into ET 'Grand Central Station' with several benevolent ET races showing up in my house at all hours of the day and night.


My contact with them was all while I was fully conscious and they were in physical bodies. I'd met with over a dozen benevolent races by then. This captured the attention of various experts in the fields of alien abduction, Milab abduction, UFOlogy, military intelligence, the alphabet soup agencies. They'd spend 2 years dissecting my case, to unanimously conclude I was being truthful about my experiences and my ET contact was legitimate.

I had detailed memories of most everything without the need for any aids like hypnotic regression - including what I'd discover was a detailed memory of coming to earth from off planet. 


I'd come to discover I'd had a CIA agent attached to me for 7 years, the CIA considering me a "threat to national security". I wasn't any threat to anything. I simply knew too much about the secrets they were attempting to conceal. The CIA agent would ultimately admit to me "The CIA knows you're from off planet, an Angelic. The CIA is shitscared of you."
His admission would later be confirmed by a high ranking military interrogator.


This was all rather ironic to me given I'd never much given a second thought to the existence of extraterrestrials or had any interest in them to speak of. I most certainly never expected them to turn my life upside down as they did. 


Now I'm grateful they did turn my life upside down for they corrected my belief system, empowered me and taught me a new way of seeing - beyond the lies and deceptions of the cabal. I quite literally became a different person and a much better person thanks to their intervention.

They taught me a lot...which I will share in this blog.

Universal Uplift


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