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Writer's picturePat Jackson

Know The ET's As They REALLY Are

The Internet is flooded with misinformation and disinformation about the ET's. The experiencer community seems to operate from a "If we don't know, let's make chit up about the ET's!" platform. The entire experiencer community has become a 3 ring circus. Take the following, posted on Facebook yesterday...

That the group is called The Ashtar Command ought to tell one everything they need to know as far as the "accuracy" of anything posted. Yet in reading the comments to that above post, my mind was boggled by the number of people that actually believed the above to be TRUE! The Andromes don't have any contact whatsoever with the Ashtar Command, being the Ashtar Command is a malevolent Orion imitation of the Galactic Confederation of Worlds, and it parades as a "benevolent" entity to those who use zero discernment and don't bother to research anything. The name Ashtar alone ought to tell the clueless something...Ashtaroth being a name for the Crown Prince of Hell.

It's quite obvious to any legitimate experiencer that the Ashtar Command poster has never in his life met any Andromes (or any other ET for that matter) and most certainly has never set foot on an Andromedan biosphere. His description of the ship goes beyond fiction to laughably absurd fiction - much less his claim the Andromes are taking any terrestrial humans off planet. (Nor are any other benevolent ET races taking terrestrial humans off planet) As one commenter responded: "So let's get this right; we come here to shine our light and when the times get a bit tuff, we jump in to a ship, we have no knowledge who/ what they really are and put our selves in to pods. Whoever does this enjoy your new lives; but when mummy and Daddy said, don't jump in to strangers cars, what did we learn???" I'm glad at least one member of that group has a functioning brain left in their head.

Getting to know the ET's is no different than getting to know someone here on Earth. You cannot truly get to know a person without having face-to-face contact with that person - hear the inflections in their speech, observe their body language and the way they respond to you and act toward you. You are NOT going to get to know them in your sleep, dreams, mind's eye, the astral realm or in hypnotic regression sessions. There's a HUGE learning curve in getting to know the ET's and in turn, them getting to know us and one must experience that learning curve firsthand if one ever hopes to learn what they're really like. Believe me, I was SHOCKED at how different they were to my initial imagined perceptions of them.

It's time to stop this romanticizing of the ET's and set these commonly held myths straight: The ET's (apart from possibly the Divine Angelics) have no undying love of we Terrans. In the words of an Androme Council member: "They don't respect themselves, they don't respect each other, they don't respect their planet. What good are they?" We have a TERRIBLE reputation among the ET races and that's the simple truth. Some have even told me that many ET races still study us as the sentient ape-like animals that came down out of the trees eons ago to play with twig tools. And that within the past 500 years we haven't evolved one iota...that we've de-evolved. They pointed out that we are one of the very rare species that still kill one another. Make no mistake about it, they abhor our violent natures. Keep in mind too that many of the ET races from the far reaches of the cosmos never knew about Terra or us prior to this, having had no prior contact with us whatsoever. This is in large part why such a huge learning curve exists between us.

The ET's have no interest in saving terrestrial humans from anything, including our extinction. Earth is the gem planet of the cosmos due to its beauty and abundance of natural resources. THAT is what the ET's are interest in saving - the planet itself. Not us. Originally Earth was created to be a kind of waystation to accommodate galactic trade between the ET races and its space-traveling inhabitants - prior to the Draconian Reptilian invasion. In their eyes, we have very irresponsibly destroyed our own planet so Earth would be better off without us. I've yet to meet an ET race who hasn't had experience in reseeding planets so whether or not Terrans survive is no skin off their backs. They can save the planet and reseed it with a far more evolved and responsible species that would care for the planet in the same way they all responsibly care for their own planets and stars. They have no motivation or reason to rescue humanity from itself. Furthermore, they are all aware of how religious and savior-programmed the majority of earth's inhabitants are. They know full well were they to rescue Terrans they would then become the eternal babysitters of Terrans. They have absolutely no desire to be those babysitters. They have their own stars, planets, societies to be concerned with. They strictly operate per the directive of non interference. For this reason alone they would not rescue people here. That would be considered interference whether we wanted them to rescue us or not. Nor would they for a multitude of reasons:

  • Terrestrial humans do not yet possess the physiology to travel through deep space. Moving through densities with much higher rates of frequency and vibration would literally kill a terrestrial human of a much lower frequency and vibration and they have no desire to be chucking dead Terran bodies off their ships, literally littering the space they travel through with our carcasses.

  • ET races very carefully keep the populations of their stars/planets within a balance that ensures every inhabitant always have what they need to flourish. They do not overpopulate their planets. That being the case, they aren't going to drop nearly 8 billion Terrans on their doorsteps.

  • They know Terrans would bring earth viruses and diseases to their planets and they are not going to allow this to happen. It's in part why they quarantined Earth decades ago.

  • They also know Terrans would not survive long on their planets due to the fact we are not yet evolved enough to live among their far more evolved native inhabitants. To put it bluntly, they don't want us taking our earth shitshow and insane behavior to their homes, where their own inhabitants wouldn't tolerate it.

  • They all had to go through the same growing pains Terrans are going through now and figure it all out on their own. From their perspective, why do we feel so entitled that we'd expect to do any differently and demand rescue from them? What makes us think we're so special?

Shall I keep going? All of the above are just a matter of common sense.

They themselves have stated they are not in contact with as many people here as are claiming to have ET contact, nor do they have as many (if at all!) "starseeds" as number of people here claiming they're "starseeds". That comes straight from them, not me. I know of at least 3 races who have told me they have no "starseeds" on earth whatsoever - Arcturans, Plejarans and Lyrans. There may be more races that don't, but those 3 ET races have specifically told me they have no "starseeds" on Earth. None, zero, nada, zip. I've written about the malevolent force's consciousness hijacking, dreamhacking and the implantation of false screen memories several times before on the Selamat Ja website. And as advanced as they are, why would they NEED any "starseeds" here? Especially given the fact they abide by the directive of non interference and have no interest in saving terrestrial humans from anything? People here need to start separating their own ego desires from fact. The number of actual off planet volunteers here only amounts to roughly 2% of earth's entire population and we have the 3rd DNA strand that is the sole indicator of coming from off planet. And we most certainly aren't anything "special" just because we came from off planet. We were INCARNATED here in order to affect change while not violating the directive of non interference. We are TERRANS first and foremost and as such and inhabitants of this planet have the right to affect change without violating the non interference directive. At meetings with our 'upstairs' ET forces there is an ancient ET protocol cosmic greeting that is adhered to. It involves identifying ourselves and what our planet is. Those of us who are off planet volunteers introduce ourselves as coming from (quote) "Sol 3 Terra" - EARTH! We do not introduce ourselves as any kind of "starseeds". Each of the ET races involved in the earth mission have their own agendas for being involved and they are looking out for THEIR interests, not ours.

More often than not, they are not going to disclose those agendas to anyone here and even if they do, it falls on us to discern whether or not they're being truthful about the matter. Need I point out here just how much the regressives have lied to and deceived us and done so very successfully? What might be considered benevolent ET races are involved to protect their own home planets and stars and like everyone else, they want their fair slice of Earth's natural resources pie. Sure, they'll help us at times but that doesn't change the reality that they're protecting their own interests in the process. Nor is anyone who doesn't have fully conscious face-to-face contact with them going to be able to discern whether or not they're being truthful about their actual agendas that serve their best interests, given the fact even benevolent ET races can manipulate our minds like it's child's play. Those considered benevolent just use a different method than the malevolents do, that doesn't violate our free will. For this reason, we have to be on guard with any and all ET races, even if we think they're benevolent. We can't assume anything here given we're in previously uncharted waters. We only have one group in this earth mess we can rely on - each other. That's the bottom line. Even with my own Angelic contacts (who've proven to me via their actions) they're on our side I keep a skeptical portion of myself reserved and hold them at a respectful arm's length. They not only understand why I do this, they encourage me to do it, having beaten DISCERNMENT! DISCERNMENT! DISCERNMENT! into my noggin for years now.

The assumption that all members of a specific ET race are benevolent is patently false. In fact, we're dealing with far more malevolent ET's than we are ET races whom we could perceive as being benevolent. For example, everyone thinks the Plejarans are our best ET buddies. Don't be ridiculous. There are split factions within every ET race just as there are countless split factions here on earth. The reality is, there are far more renegade malevolent Plejarans (pictured below) involved with Earth than there are 'benevolent' Plejarans.

The photo below was taken by one of Trump's Secret Service agents. Both Plejaran Commander Lila and Lyran Commander Pralt Aln are MALEVOLENT ET's working with the U.S. government. (Note Commander Lila's black compression suit vs. the royal blue suits of the 'benevolent' Collective.)

You aren't going to be able to judge a book (or any ET race) by its cover in this. You won't know who are the 'good guys' and who are the 'bad guys'. The ET's are far more emotionally reserved than we are and the unpredictability of our terrestrial human emotions scares the bejesus out of them.

If you doubt that, look at who the Andromes have to protect themselves from us:

These guys are who I trained in Security with on the Andromedan biosphere in preparation for the evac plan I wrote about above. That huge learning curve I mentioned? While on the Andromedan biosphere I made the mistake of smiling at one of the ET crew members. She immediately went into kill or be killed mode. Luckily, one of my Androme contacts was present so could explain to her that me showing my teeth when I smiled did NOT mean I was preparing to EAT HER for lunch. No, I'm not kidding...she thought my teeth showing when I smiled meant I was preparing to devour her. Tip: Should you ever meet an ET face-to-face do NOT attempt to shake hands with them, high 5 them, hug them or touch them in any way whatsoever - unless you have a death wish. Like I said, we Terrans have a terrible reputation among the ET's. When I first joined the Andromedan biosphere, the Androme parents would actually bodily position themselves between myself and their children, acting like human shields to protect their children from me. It took some time for them to realize we Terrans weren't all the violent barbarians our reputation had made us out to be and to allow their children to approach me, without fear that I'd harm their kids. The kids took awhile to warm up to me as well - at least until they learned I carried little treats for them so lost their fear of me.

I learned very quickly I had to tone my emotions way down and keep them in check until the ET's got to know me. There are quite a few ET races who want no contact with us whatsoever or us even to know where they're from in the cosmos. We're such a hot mess that any contact with us would psychologically harm them. In fact, I've only had 3 races tell me they'd like physical contact with us - the Angelics, Yahyel and Arcturans. And even though they desire contact with us they know terrestrial humans are not ready for contact with them. We're still too violent and fear based for contact to safely take place without bloodshed, a rash of suicides, etc. I have to shake my head at those screaming for full disclosure because they have not thought through what that would entail. Because so much of humanity is still sleepwalking their way through life in a state of cognitive dissonance, society would collapse when they were smacked upside the head with the reality that ET's exist. Society is already on the verge of collapse as it is! The old adage "Be careful what you wish for" applies here. I think many think the ET's would land here and automatically fix all of earth's problems. That's nothing more than wishful thinking. They aren't "gods" and the directive of non interference would still be in effect. Yes, they could restore the planet to keep it from dying but this would take years and no one would be able to be safely inhabiting earth when they did it. And given they all have their own agendas that protect their own interests, how do we know what they'd do AFTER they landed and made contact? We don't! We can't say with any amount of certainty what they'd do!

How many remember Orson Welles 1938 radio broadcast War of the Worlds and what happened when that was broadcast?

The public believed they were being attacked by aliens even though what Welles was broadcasting was completely fictional. Mass panic ensued. People now are far more fearful than they were in 1938 so you can imagine the panic that would ensue.

We need to take off the rose colored glasses and see the ET's as they really are. Many of them of them have their own hidden agendas when it comes to Earth. Caution must be exercised in any contact with any ET race, even those we consider to be benevolent. Attempting to channel ET's is very ill advised being you don't know precisely who or what you're channeling and negative entities routinely masquerade as positive entities.

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