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The information on this website is graphic and violent in content and pertains to children.
Viewer discretion is strongly advised.

Human trafficking is the most profitable industry in the U.S. not to mention the world:

Slavery: There are more slaves today than when there were slaving ships. The slave trade includes both adults and children. Children are used as child prostitutes and sex slaves. In some cases, kids are "pimped out" by their own parents. This happens a lot in connection with the Illuminati and black ops.

Body organ black market: The #1 kind of abductee in this category are teenagers and it's becoming the top type of child abduction given the price of body organs on the black market. Kids are alive when their organs are harvested.


Baby factories: Illegal adoptions are on the rise. Children are abducted for these illegal adoptions. 


Adrenochrome harvesting: Adrenochrome is the world's most expensive drug, harvested from tortured then killed children. Several years ago a 2 oz. bottle of Adrenochrome would set one back a cool $1 million at the least.

Even those of us who were seasoned investigators were not prepared for the unimaginable horrors we'd discover in working these cases. They were the stuff of which lifelong nightmares are made. Many of us ended up with diagnosed PTSD, some ended up in therapy, many were murdered in cold blood by the cabal desperate to keep their worldwide pedophile ring under wraps and out of the public knowledge domain.


Now they flaunt their pedophilia right in everyone's faces. "They" are the 1% of the wealthiest individuals in the world, nearly all of whom are pedophiles, satanic ritual abusers, child traffickers and sexual deviants. They include nearly every single one of your government leaders and Hollywood celebrities. They are Luciferians, which is to say satanists - literally. They routinely engage in satanic rituals including human sacrifice and cannibalism during those rituals.

The video below is a video of an actual satanic ritual taking place in one of the DUMBS. (Deep Underground Military Bases)

For the uninitiated, DUMBS exist worldwide but were constructed in the U.S. as a result of President Eisenhower signing the top secret Grenada Treaty as part of that treaty. You don't have to believe me. If you're skeptical simply type "Deep Underground Military Bases" into your search engine. (Google is rapidly censoring and sanitizing all information through its search engine and they've closed connections to uncensored search engines like Yandex.)


Entire levels of these DUMBS are devoted to satanic living quarters, satanic temples, ritual levels, child breeding facilities and the like. And that's the least of the utter depravity that takes place in the DUMBS.


Both abducted and bred children are kept in floor-to-ceiling cages like animals, tortured so severely the majority of them have slipped into a state of insanity. The photo below is from the Pine Lake, California DUMB but many of the DUMBS I was in had these cages - and worse.


In 2020 our Special Forces attempted to rescue child sex slaves and those scheduled for ritual sacrifice during a Washington D.C. blackout that included the White House. The government "fact checkers" (which is to say disinformation agents) have tried to put the spin on this by saying it never happened - except we have videos of those military personnel removing these children from tunnels beneath the White House and we know the government officials are pathological liars anyway). The children had to be removed in complete darkness and loaded on buses with blacked out windows because they'd been kept in darkness so long they could not tolerate light of any kind, especially their eyes.

Many of those children will never be able to live above ground as a result. And many were removed from the White House tunnels in body bags. 


While that may sound incredible to you, then consider where we investigators found the biggest child trafficking rings and satanic ritual abuse taking place:

#1. Largest pedophile ring was operating and still operates out of Child Protective Services.

#2. Next in line...beneath the Vatican.
#3. In the #3 spot - Disney and its Disney parks.

Others included Boy's Town (as exposed by late FBI Special Agent, Ted Gunderson); Comet Pizza Ping Pong restaurant in Washington D.C. (often frequented by Tom Hanks, head of the occult assassin cult the Thugees, as well as other high level D.C. politicians); we even found a house not a full city block from the White House containing child sex slaves, conveniently located for our politicians to be "serviced" during their breaks from Capitol Hill. 

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This child prostitution and slavery goes back DECADES. It's nothing new. Even our law enforcement agencies have been infiltrated and are participating in this trafficking. I experienced that firsthand when I was personally targeted for knowing too much while employed at the Sheriff's Department. In fact, the entire county board was involved and tried to run me out of the county. Ultimately I was blacklisted from law enforcement all together.


In 2003 or 2004 I went public with law enforcement's participation in these crimes against children on the Richard Syrett Show, which at that time was the #1 radio show in Canada.
If I sound hesitant during the interview it's because I received a government death threat 2 minutes before air time and they'd already made at least one attempt on my life by that time.​

Syrett ShowPat Jackson
00:00 / 31:51
Syrett Show part 2Pat Jackson
00:00 / 38:35

My interview starts about halfway through this first audio track.

That interview still disturbs me in that NOT ONE SINGLE PARENT phoned in to ask "How do I protect my child?"

I wondered why I'd just laid my life on the line yet again for parents who were so completely apathetic to the well being and safety of their own children. I didn't have any kids of my own to worry about...I exposed what I did out of concern for THEIR children. Mind boggling that they could've cared less. And the sad thing is? Nothing much has changed on that front in the past 2+ decades.


I was anxious to see the movie The Sound of Freedom when it was released. FINALLY someone was shining the spotlight on what investigators like myself had been shouting from the rooftops for over 20 years. 

I left the theater feeling utterly disappointed in the movie. It was a completely watered down version of child trafficking that showed absolutely nothing as far as the horrors that take place both within it and as a result of it.
I noted many leaving the theater were in tears and I thought to myself Jesus, if they couldn't take this soft sell version how would they possibly handle what we investigators discovered?

Well brace yourself because I'm about to show you the realities of child abduction and trafficking.

I worked the Johnny Gosch abduction. Johnny was Illuminati abducted into their pedophile ring and made a sex slave to George H.W. Bush - who was about the biggest, sickest, pedophile to ever walk the earth in my estimation. I'm sure Cathy O'Brien (CIA sex slave to the Clintons) would agree with me.

George H.W. Bush

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Johnny Gosch

Johnny did eventually escape the D.C. pedophile ring with the help of a couple of other boys, one of whom had assisted in Johnny's abduction.


Many years later as a grown man, Johnny was able to briefly visit his mother just long enough to let her know he was alive.


He was forced to live the rest of his life in hiding, out of fear for his life.
He was one of the lucky ones - he made it out alive.

These Luciferians see people as their property - not as human beings. As such, they brand us to designate us as their property.

I was Pi symbol branded as a Milab. Johnny was branded as an asset of their pedophile ring.


Branding is the least of it.


It's not at all uncommon for these sicko "elite" (they're parasites and nothing more, most certainly not "elite" in any sense) to make snuff films of these children as they torture and kill them in their satanic ritual sacrifices. Hillary Clinton and Huma Aberdeen did this with their film "Frazzledrip" that was discovered on the dark web. 

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They literally fileted the face off this little girl while she was still alive, then danced around the girl wearing her fileted face as a mask in order to terrorize her before killing her in order to harvest her Adrenochrome.
(Yes, I've seen that snuff film)

Twelve hardcore NY city detectives viewed that snuff film.
All 12 ended up in therapy before 9 of them were assassinated by the cabal.

Adrenochrome is a chemical compound produced by the oxidation of adrenaline. It was the subject of limited research from the 1950s through to the 1970s as a potential cause of schizophrenia. The Luciferian parasites not only get a drug-like high off Adrenochrome, it has anti-aging properties. Very popular among the Hollywood celebrities.

Cabal-controlled Google will "debunk" anything that's truth by labeling it a "conspiracy theory".
Adrenochrome harvesting is no "conspiracy theory". (Anything labeled a 'conspiracy theory' needs to be closely examined as it's likely truth being discredited.)

This Adrenochrome supply cutoff was illustrated during Trump's campaign and the cabal's genocide COVID Scamdemic. Trump cut off their Adrenochrome supplies in order to pinpoint who was harvesting Adrenochrome. The cabal did have a synthetic supply on hand but that was soon gone. Suddenly Hollywood celebrities and others like the Clintons looked like they'd aged to 90 years old almost overnight - causing everyone to ask why they all suddenly appeared to be so sick and aged. They then began exhibiting the symptoms of Adrenochrome withdrawal - stumbling and falling when trying to walk, etc. These withdrawals were caught on video. The camera lens doesn't lie or have an opinion, it merely records what it sees so one can't debunk what the lens records as 'conspiracy theory'. 

Furthermore, Hollywood celebs flocked to social media posting video inquiries as to where they could score some Adrenochrome. 

These crimes and killers all have one thing in common: Satan. Many serial killers have spoken about this. Serial killer Ted Bundy, even as a child routinely spoke about the devil coming out of his closet to tell him to kill people. Richard Ramirez admitted to being a satanist in contact with Satan. He killed 13 although we suspect that number went much higher than 13. 
Doesn't matter if you believe in Satan or not...THEY DO AND DID.


This is serial killer David Parker Ray. He preferred to abduct adults but at least one of his victims was a boy called "John Doe" because his remains couldn't be identified. Let me show you what an FBI raid discovered at Ray's home.

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Ray had a converted Ryder truck on his property he called the "Toy Box". When the FBI raided his property, agents described this Toy Box as having any kind of torture device you could possibly think of in it.
He had drugs to erase the memories of his victims. He had a gynecological exam table rigged for torture.


Ray got so tired of explaining to his victims what he was going to do to them that he made a tape recording of it and simply played it for his victims as he casually ate a sandwich.


It's as of yet undetermined how many people Ray killed but estimates are over 50 women.

Don't be fooled into thinking these pedophiles, child traffickers and serial killers all look like David Ray. Most of them are very high profile pillars of their community that no one would ever suspect.
Psychopaths and sociopaths are master chameleons at disguising their true natures from society at large.


John Wayne Gacy is the perfect example of this.

I met Gacy in 1978, just shortly before he was exposed as a serial killer and the bodies of 33 young men were discovered buried in the crawlspace of his home and on his property.


My friend and co-worker was Gacy's neighbor. While visiting her house one afternoon, Gacy came over to say hello. He was perfectly charming. There was absolutely nothing about him that tipped me


off to the fact he was a serial killer. He was the first serial killer I met. I don't feel so bad now about being fooled by him given the fact he fooled even President and Rosalind Carter. (Above)

I'd meet and befriend FBI criminal profiler, Robert Ressler who interviewed all the big name serial killers, including Gacy. The Gacy that confronted Bob was nothing like the Gacy I'd met. As I said, they are master chameleons. In reality when his killer persona came out he was arrogant, abusive, foul-mouthed, unrepentant. His last words upon being put to death by lethal injection were "Fuck all of you." Anything BUT charming.

Moral of the story: You are most likely not going to recognize these psychopathic/sociopathic individuals when you encounter them. You'll see them as leaders and pillars of your community in all likelihood.


​But one of the most heinous parts of both child and adult trafficking takes place in the DUMBS at the hands of our own deep black military. During my time in the DUMBS I'd be shown stasis tubes containing live abducted people, many missing body parts the deep black military had used in human cloning. The government has been successfully cloning humans since at least the 1950's.

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I was shown these stasis tubes as a threat - "Quit working the abduction cases or you'll end up in one of these tubes." Many Milabs saw these tubes. The ones I were shown were deep underground and there were level upon level of them. Each level contained thousands of stasis tubes.

The tube closest to me contained a boy approximately 9 or 10 years old with one eye and one arm missing from being used in military cloning. 


The humans in these tubes are nude, alive and suspended in either an aqua colored liquid or a violet colored gas. Is the military involved in these abductions? Big time. The abductees are used in the most heinous experimentation you can imagine, that make the Nazi experimentation conducted during WWII look like a Sunday picnic in the park by comparison.
In fact, we investigators would often find a military installation in close proximity to an abduction site. Nor was it uncommon to discover multiple abductions had occurred in those areas.


Our children are no longer the least bit safe - anywhere. Our government has declared open season on them. They do not see your children as belonging to you...they see your children as assets belonging to them...and these psychopaths and sociopaths see no value in human life whatsoever. We are all simply resources to be used in their eyes.


Or as one of my General military abductors informed me, "You will never hold another job. You are a government asset now. You belong to us."


The deep black military or government black ops alone abducts around 200,000 per children a year. Rarely are these children found or recovered alive. 

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